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Name: Yoda
Collection: The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]
Number: CW05
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 1 Episode 1: Ambush)
Availability: August 2010
License: Hasbro
*The Clone Wars waves 1 and 1.5 were available at some retail stores as early as June 2010.
Yoda goes to Rugosa to negotiate a deal with king Katuunko of Toydaria that will allow the Republic to build a supply base in the system. Count Dooku intervenes with a test for the Jedi: prove the Republic's strength by battling Dooku's droid army. Yoda accepts the challenge, and shows his combat expertise as well as the power of the Force.
Yoda, the wisest Jedi Master of all is probably the most popular as well. He was first introduced in his CGI animated form in the blue phase of The Clone Wars line which debuted on July 26, 2008. That version though unfortunately came with an awkward action feature. And even if the action figure wasn't included, the figure failed in many other ways too since it had severely limited articulation and a bizarre pose. In all honesty, it was a bit of a painful action figure but we bought it because it was Yoda. Sometimes we never learn. But it was only a matter of time before Hasbro would make a new and improved Yoda. However (and thankfully), the action feature and other limitations of the original 2008 [F/S1] TCW Yoda (No. 3) was abandoned and a great new Yoda was born. Hasbro probably heard the moans from the collective crowds of fans and they went back to the drawing board to create an absolute masterpiece that will probably become the definitive The Clone Wars version we will ever receive. It really is definitive in every sense of the word. It is a perfect action figure and captures all the personality of the "new-looking" Yoda. He is a completely new sculpted figure loaded with articulation. Yoda has also blessed with a soft-goods robe. Soft-goods often get accused of looking too baggy on the figure, but we personally prefer it no matter how is looks on a figure. In this case with Yoda, we think it looks divine.
The cloak also has a unique woven micro-chevron pattern which looks a bit too stylish for a humble Jedi Master, but it is not that noticeable where it is distracting. Whatever your choice, “removable outerwear” is great because it adds a new dimension and great play value to the character. Admit it, you love undressing your figures. Well, we know you will love this option for Yoda. One of the most consequential aspects of this Yoda is his face sculpt. Hasbro executed a superb likeness to the animated character and a great deal of attention was paid to capturing his concerned expression on the face. And his eyes have been replicated perfectly as well. The paint job on his face is spectacular and has different tones which give it a unique texture and different colors get picked up in different lights. His body has also been given the proper proportions and details and it too has been given an excellent paint application. There are exceptions, but Hasbro has been treating us to wonderful paint jobs on action figures that aren't clones, it appears only the clones are suffering. Yoda is undoubtedly an all-around accomplishment! We look at this figure with significant astonishment and wonderment. It may seem like a simple figure at face value, and you may be surprised about our rave, but Yoda has been intricately sculpted and we are so thrilled that he got the attention needed to make him one of the most impressive The Clone Wars figures yet.
Hasbro did obviously did something incredibly right to make this figure look beyond amazing. He is so good that he has been carried forward into The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side] basic figure lineup to give new fans of the television series another chance at him at the retail level. We personally didn't expect a character like Yoda to have this impact on us. But even as a re-released figure we have to claim once again how incredible he is. This time we have noticed some slightly differing paint operations, but nothing that should worry you too much. Yoda is the main Jedi character in the television show, so if you only collect one The Clone Wars figure, this better be the one that you acquire. We believe that if you do buy Yoda, it will incite you to give the other figures in this line some additional purchasing consideration. No matter what you decide, there is no denying how well sculpted and painted this brand new Yoda is. And though he wasn't released too far off from the original Yoda, he has completely replaced it in the basic figure line as the Yoda action figure to buy. And we expect him to sell through very well. We implore you not be weak-minded and skip over this figure! It would be a travesty to do so! Oh, and what's more with this version is that you get a Galactic Battle Game card (collectible in and of itself), a die and a display stand. You get the most bang for your buck with this 2010 release.
Status: Yoda is a slight repaint of 2009's TCW [S2] Yoda (CW14) figure.
Articulation Count: 16 points (12 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), ball-socket waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-socket left ankle (1), ball-socket right ankle (1)
Accessory Count: 4
Accessory Details: lightsaber, gimer stick, soft-goods cloak, removable belt
Date Stamp: 2009
Assortment Number: 98355/94736
UPC: 653569512134
Retail: $7.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
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