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Mini Busts

Fixer (Republic Commando) - Mini Busts

Name: Fixer (Republic Commando)
Type: Mini Busts
Number: Item No. 12288
Edition Size: 1300 (Hot Toys Exclusive)
Source: Expanded Universe (Republic Commando)
Availability: January 2010
License: Gentle Giant Ltd.

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Equipped with specialized weaponry like the DC-17m rifle, special tactical visors, and Katarn-class body armor, the Republic Commandos can infiltrate the deepest, darkest reaches of the Separatist strongholds. The Clone Wars were won or lost, more often than not, due to the efforts of small, anonymous squads of Republic commandos, working behind the scenes and deep behind enemy lines to do what larger armies could not.

The Republic Commando Mini Busts from Gentle Giant Ltd. have raised the bar for this scale of high-end collectibles. There were quite a few gripes aired about the Episode III clone trooper mini busts mainly because of their lackluster poses and inferior and quite frankly inaccurate paint applications. But it now seems as if Gentle Giant has heard the complaints loud and clear and did everything possible to make it right for the Republic Commando offerings. They sought out to correct whatever wrongdoings this time around and we feel they've gone above and beyond the call of duty. Gentle Giant has clearly rethought the decoration process first and foremost and the visible improvements are quite a testament to their commitment to satisfy the loyal collector base. Simply put, the Republic Commandos have some of the best paint jobs we have ever seen on Mini Busts to date and this is no small feat. There have been some really great products released in the past, but Gentle Giant has outdone themselves by a landslide here. As you see from our photo gallery, the Republic Commandos are expertly decorated with beautiful paint applications, dirty final washes all with spectacular sculpts. And Republic Commando Fixer is another example of some of the finest artwork and craftsmanship Gentle Giant has ever brought to collectors.

Per Wookieepedia, RC-1140, also known as Delta-40 and Fixer, was an elite clone commando in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Although he hated the use of nicknames, he was known as Fixer to the other commandos in his squad, because of his talent for fixing and slicing all things mechanical. While this back story doesn't really give any indication of his emotional character, it doesn't exemplify how well he is colored as a Mini Bust. Besides, it does succinctly give an overview of his role in the Delta Squad. This should give you some idea of how his armor should look. Ridden with scratches and battle-damages from war, Fixer looks like he was flash frozen from a battle in the video game and shrunken down into one-sixth collectible form. Looking realistic beyond hopes and expectations, Fixer is a premier Mini Bust that ranks at an all time high in our books. Gentle Giant gives us an expertly designed polystone interpretation of Fixer. Brilliantly painted in an emerald green, Fixer has all the right color in all the right places. The light blue visor contrasts beautifully against the rest of his form. Fixer is just an amazing work of art. Period.

We especially love the pose of Fixer. Sometimes it's hard to capture a cool-looking pose with a clone holding a weapon, but Gentle Giant Ltd. did a fine job here. He has been cast in a "cover me" stance with both hands holding up his large blaster rifle. His gun is large and bulky and has also been painted incredibly well to look like a real weapon. His head has been mold in a way to appear as if he has been looking to the left and then to the right, looking for imposing Separatists. What an amazement that Gentle Giant has captured the perfect still of this motion forever. While this may seem like an oxymoron, his pose looks to be a freeze frame of an action pose. But it might easier to express that it just looks unbelievable. Each Delta Squad member has a unique backpack and Fixer is no different. Having one of the more delicate backpack designs of all four Republic Commandos, Gentle Giant held nothing back and designed it faithful to his appearance in the video game. The antennas atop his helmet look spectacular and give this clone a unique presence to the Mini Busts line and all clone troopers in general. He also won't be that easy to acquire for your collection. Remember that Fixer is a Hot Toys exclusive and quickly sold out due to the universal popularity of Delta Squad. While we expect some units to appear on the aftermarket or on eBay, they prices will be elevated and will ultimately be hard find when all is said and done. We recommend enjoying him in your own collection if you can secure one.

Collector Notes

Fixer (Republic Commando)

Status: This highly detailed mini bust, based on the original Lucasfilm costumes and props, was sculpted and painted by Gentle Giant Ltd. We hope you enjoy it.

Exclusivity: N/A

Assembly: N/A

Date Stamp: 2010


Retail: $69.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Gentle Giant Ltd.
All Mini Busts

Added: January 22, 2010
Category: Mini Busts
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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