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The Force Awakens

Guavian Enforcer - TFA - Build A Weapon (Space)

Name: Guavian Enforcer
Collection: The Force Awakens
Number: N/A
Source: The Force Awakens
Availability: October 2015
License: Hasbro

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The security soldiers of the Guavian gang wear high impact armor thaat makes them stand out among other deadly criminals.

This is what a TARGET employee will look like on October 21, 2045. No matter your position on the simple approach to The Force Awakens line, there are just some action figures you cannot deny look pretty darn good. The Guavian Enforcer is unequivocally one of these examples. He first made an appearance in The Black Series [Phase III] 6” line to much fanfare and most collectors were expecting him next in The Force Awakens Build A Weapon line.... which happened just a couple of weeks later. It’s no secret Hasbro’s sculptors use the same digital files to make the same character across different scales, so it’s no surprise at all the 3.75” Build A Weapon figure looks nearly identical to The Black Series [Phase III] Guavian Enforcer (08) figure, just smaller and less articulated. The Build A Weapon Guavian Enforcer still looks fantastic despite his minimal articulation, and surprisingly, the paint operations are extremely well done to the point you wouldn’t think this was part of the budget line. You can hopefully see we’re impressed. If Hasbro could just keep up this excellence with the human characters, perhaps a lot of the hardcore bitterness would subside.

The Guavian Enforcer has a very simple color scheme in general, so it’s the major reason this figure looks perfect in both 3.75” and 6” scale. You have to keep in mind, too, that the amount of detail in the tooling that went into the 6” figure has also been brought forward to the 3.75” sculpt. Now, we’re not trying to defend the five points of articulation approach – we think it’s wrong for Star Wars – but we also have to call a spade a spade, and the Guavian Enforcer looks pretty incredible in both scales. With a ball-socket head, the Guavian Enforcer also comes with swivel shoulders and hips that complete his articulation. Of course this little bit of articulation is extremely disappointing for a character that looks to be full of action, but sadly it’s all about creating a low-cost action figure to maximize the greatest bottom line. And if this is the way it has to be done, then this is the way to do it. Again, we’re not defending the way the 3.75” Star Wars line has gone now. We’re just trying to offer the opinion that the Guavian Enforcer is a nice action figure. They are mutually exclusive opinions.

The Guavian Enforcer comes with a single blaster rifle. This is a bit disappointing because the 6” version came with two unique ones. When an unrelated Build A Weapon part is included in lieu of a screen accurate accessory, we had to admit it makes us a bit angry. It seems as if Hasbro becomes penny wise and pound foolish when it comes to the Star Wars mainline these days. They’re dedicated to a certain format, which they fulfill very well (as far as consistency), but they forsake the most important aspects of these characters (their onscreen accessories) to ensure that format (Build A Weapon) doesn’t get compromised. It feels all backwards to us. The good news here however is the Guavian Enforcer quickly rises to the top of our favorites list because it has really been done very, very well. We like this figure so much, we hope it's planned for the Walmart exclusive The Black Series 3.75” line as well. It would be wonderful to get a super-articulated version of this action figure. Hopefully that will come to pass, because this base sculpt deserves that wonderful treatment.

Collector Notes

Guavian Enforcer

Status: Guavian Enforcer is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: blaster rifle

Date Stamp: N/A

Collection: Space

Assortment Number: B4165/B3445

UPC: 630509371471

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Guavian Enforcer

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Guavian Enforcer (Space)

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Added: October 31, 2015
Category: Force Awakens, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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