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The Force Awakens

PZ-4CO - TFA - Build A Weapon (Forest)

Name: PZ-4CO
Collection: The Force Awakens
Number: N/A
Source: The Force Awakens
Availability: October 2015
License: Hasbro

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PZ-4CO is a constant fixture in Resistance base control rooms, offering tactical data and communications support during important operations.

After more than a month out from Force Friday, new product began hitting stores that wasn’t available at the original launch date. Obviously, subsequent waves were imminent, but without any official announcement from Hasbro about what is coming, it’s hard to believe that everything remained so murky for so long. A new character, PZ-4CO, or “Peazy” for short began showing up on eBay as carded samples made their way there. But less than week after they began showing up on eBay, they also starting showing up in stores. Confusing the Episode VII product launch has been. Admittedly, PZ-4CO instantly feels like the new C-3PO for The Force Awakens. A protocol droid with female programming, PZ-4CO also assists Leia Organa in the Resistance’s various missions, which to date we also know nothing. But at the same rate PZ-4CO looks a little bit too animated for a Star Wars film. In fact, she looks a whole lot like an interpretive animated droid version of Durge from Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars micro-series meets the Tartakovsky version of General Grievous. The resemblance is honestly uncanny, yet the body of her looks very much like a blue C-3PO. The mix is interesting, but overall it looks a little too muddled for our tastes. We really hope this character plays an important role so that it distracts us from what’s bothering us at the moment.

Wookieepedia goes into a little more detail about PZ-4CO. It states “PZ-4CO, nicknamed "Peazy," was a protocol droid who served in the Resistance during its struggle against the First Order approximately three decades after the Battle of Endor. She served in the Resistance base control rooms and was a source of tactical data and communications during Resistance operations. As part of her duties, she assisted General Leia Organa, the leader and symbol of the Resistance, in writing a memoir of the general's time during the Galactic Civil War.” Her first appearance was in the novel entitled Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure and honestly that’s about all we know at this point. We don’t know the personality of PZ-4CO yet. But we imagine that she will be quite different than C-3PO at this point. But we’re very curious why C-3PO isn’t side by side with General Leia Organa as he has shared many more adventures with her and has the skill sets to be an appropriate aide to her. Then again, PZ-4CO seems to specialize in organizing tactical missions, so maybe that area of expertise keeps her a little more valuable than C-3PO in these regards.

PZ-4CO is like any other action figure from the Build A Weapon line. Complete with five points of articulation, PZ-4CO has two swivel shoulders, two swivel hips and a ball-socket head. You don’t get a whole lot of useful movement out of this action figure sadly. Her arms are bent ever so slightly like how most protocol droids carry themselves, so that looks fine. Her blue color is very nice and pleasing to the eye. Her armor plating is accented with multiple burgundy/maroon insignias/deco. As far as the paint operations on this figure are concerned, we’re very happy with them. Despite the simple articulation, there is no way anyone can deny how much detail has gone into PZ-4CO’s sculpt, especially the torso. We are thoroughly impressed with what Hasbro has accomplished here. We just will never be able to accept why they’re not giving all of this detail to super-articulated action figures instead. But that’s beating a dead horse now. PZ-4CO comes without any official accessories, but comes with two Build A Weapon parts. When you combine parts with Goss Toowers and a revised Build A Weapon Kylo Ren figures, you can build some sort of dual sentry cannon. Yeah, we don’t get it either. Anyway, PZ-4CO is cool, just not ideal.

Collector Notes


Status: PZ-4CO is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: N/A

Collection: Forest

Assortment Number: B4161/B3445

UPC: 630509371426

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


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The Force Awakens Wave 2 (Forest/Space)

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Added: October 6, 2015
Category: Force Awakens, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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