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1:6 Scale Figures

Scout Trooper - 1:6 Scale Figures

Name: Scout Trooper
Collection: Militaries Of Star Wars
Number: Item #1001031
Edition Size: TBD (Exclusive) TBD (Regular)
Scale: 1:6 Scale Figures
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Availability: August 2015
License: Sideshow Collectibles

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From Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Sideshow Collectibles is proud to present the Scout Trooper Sixth Scale Figure.

Far more mobile than Stormtrooper units, Imperial Scout Troopers were assigned to the forest moon of Endor to patrol perimeters, perform reconnaissance missions, and identify enemy positions. Capable of reaching breakneck speeds on their Speeder Bikes, the Scout Troopers raced between the trees in an unforgettable chase against Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, as they attempted to warn the shield generator stations of the Rebel Alliance's presence during the Battle of Endor.

Armed to provide rear-guard cover with their blaster and sniper rifle, the Scout Troopers are trained as efficient survivalists, equipped with lightweight armor, utility belt, sidearm boot holster, and helmets with enhanced macrobinocular view plates for efficient target acquisition. Displayed with a forest terrain base, or piloting the Sixth Scale Imperial Speeder Bike (sold separately), these loyal scouts are ready to be assigned to their post.

In retrospect, it’s quite amazing that it took Sideshow Collectibles almost a full decade to get out a 1:6 Scale Scout Trooper Figure. It’s not like this licensee has avoided these awesome Endor soldiers in their product line completely. They made two amazing Premium Format Figures of these military personnel very early on, but it took them some time before they buckled down to produce them in 1:6 Scale. The Scout Trooper is a complete triumph and 1:6 Scale Figure collectors should count themselves blessed that Sideshow Collectibles has done such a beautiful job with this high-end collectible. Utilizing the Prometheus body type, the Scout Trooper is loaded with over 30 points of articulation and comes with plenty of accessories to keep displaying him in your collection very interesting and exciting. We have always preferred when licensees remained faithful to the onscreen appearances of these characters, so as you can imagine this 1:6 Scale Figure doesn’t come with a removable helmet or an interchangeable portrait showing off a human head sculpt. That’s fine by us. Sideshow Collectibles really went to town on the Scout Trooper 1:6 Scale Figure and has added plenty of detail that you may have not seen before this. That’s the magic of the artisans at Sideshow Collectibles.

The Prometheus body type does wonders for the Scout Trooper. The figure is lean, but yet visibly possesses mass and shape. The athletic build of the Empire’s foot soldiers is manifested beautifully here. The all-new sculpted helmet is gorgeous. The symbol hangs still in the top left corner of the helmet. And the visor has been painted a shiny black to imitate the soulless look of all the Empire’s troopers. The midsection is a little to clean in appearance to us, especially compared to the bone-colored armor that surrounds it. Perhaps Sideshow should have dirtied that up a bit before considering the piece finished. The boots are beautifully sculpted too. They also have been dirtied significantly and have wrinkles to show the realism in how these boots “move” when this soldier is in battle. The rest of the figure’s armor is also brilliantly sculpted and decorated. Aside from that midsection “issue” we really have very little to complain about with this Scout Trooper 1:6 Scale Figure. Besides, with as much articulation as the Prometheus body type brings to the table, this is an Original Trilogy lover’s dream come true. This figure can attain any pose possible and looks great doing so. And the interchangeable hand and boots bring so much versatility to this figure.

The Scout Trooper comes with a healthy dose of accessories and interchangeable parts, but you only get a fraction of the extra parts that you get with any of their clone releases. You get two extra sets of hands, and extra set of boots, a thermal detonator and a blaster pistol. That’s about it. But it’s perfect for this figure. No collector needs much more than this for any one 1:6 Scale Figure. The blaster pistol is so tiny, but it perfectly rests in the holster on the figure’s right boot.... just like in Return Of The Jedi. The display stand is so nice. We love the new approach taken on them. These 1:6 Scale Figures actually stand on a platform now. What’s more, Sideshow has been adding environmental pieces to these hexagonal bases. In the case of the Scout Trooper, collectors are treated to portions of Endor. And it’s quite amazing how these little accents dress up the figure’s so wonderfully. For Sideshow Exclusive collectors, a large E-11 long blaster rifle has been included. If it looks familiar, this is traditionally the gun that has been paired with Scout Trooper from Star Wars: Battlefront. Of course, the more weapons your figures have, the better. Simply put, the Scout Trooper is a long-awaited release from Sideshow Collectibles. They did a beautiful job on it and we can’t wait to see what else is next from the Battle of Endor!

Collector Notes

Scout Trooper

Announcement Date: July 20, 2014

Pre-order Date: September 18, 2014

Status: Scout Trooper utilizes the Prometheus body type.

Articulation Count: 31 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, ball-jointed neck, double ball-jointed shoulders, double ball-jointed elbows, double ball-jointed wrists, double ball-jointed torso, ball-jointed waist, ball-jointed hips, swivel upper thighs, double ball-jointed knees, 2 swivel shins, 2 ball-jointed ankles, 2 swivel feet

Accessory Count: 33

Accessory Details: detailed Scout Trooper helmet, chest and back armor, right and left shoulder armor, right and left upper arm armor, right and left forearm armor, right and left knee armor, belt with detonator, flightsuit, vest, cummerbund, right and left standing boot tops, right and left action boot tops, right and left boot bottom, hold out blaster pistol, right and left small C-grip, left large C-grip, left point finger, right two finger trigger, right one finger trigger, figure support stand (3 parts), forest scene stealer base accessory (3 parts)

Sideshow Exclusive: E-11 Long Rifle

Retail: $189.99 USD

UPC: 747720222496

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Sideshow Collectibles (1:6 Scale Figures)
Heroes Of The Rebellion
Lords Of The Sith
Militaries Of Star Wars
Order Of The Jedi
Scum & Villainy

Sideshow Collectibles (Other Products)
1:6 Scale Figure Environments
Premium Format Figures
Life Size Busts

Added: August 23, 2015
Category: 1:6 Scale Figures
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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