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Episode I

Chancellor Valorum - EI - Basic

Name: Chancellor Valorum
Collection: Episode I
Number: N/A
Source: The Phantom Menace
Availability: May 1999
License: Hasbro

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As the beleaguered leader of the Galactic Republic, Supreme Chancellor Valorum faces many challenges to his authority, from the greedy Trade Federation to the manipulations of his one-time ally Senator Palpatine.

Many collectors decided to see Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace for many reasons. But one of the main reasons for the multiple viewings was trying to distill the political drama in it. Were Senator Palpatine and Chancellor Valorum friends? Wait, they’re enemies? Wait, they’re political rivals? Wait, is this a Star Wars styled presidential election. Wait! Just as much as Chancellor Valorum was a background character in the film, he was just as much a background character in the Episode I line. The only difference is that he was much more popular as an action figure than an onscreen character in The Phantom Menace. Hasbro, for whatever reasons, decided to make Chancellor Valorum as one of the earliest action figures in the Episode I line; and whether they knew it or not it was perhaps one of the most clever things to do. Because no one knew about (or saw) the film at the time of his release, collectors scooped him up as if they’d ever see him again. But little did Star Wars collectors know that due to his lower production, he actually would be a solid sell-through and not peg-warm like expected.

The fact of the matter is that Chancellor Valorum is a beautiful action figure. Besides, who ever expected to own an action figure of Terrance Stamp? The likeness is excellent as most of the Episode I figures, but the figure’s strengths are strongly anchored in the development of the costume. We’re astounded with the level of detail that went into the sculpting of his robe to not only recreate the texture but the wonderful multiple colors that make it look so unique. The combination of brilliant sculpting with stunning paint operations on a “boring” character makes him that much more interesting to Star Wars fans. And it once again shows that Hasbro is committed the Kenner approach: the more obscure, the better. Granted, political figures are about as uninteresting as real politicians, but when they’re done this well, it piques some interest. Because of this, Chancellor Valorum does standout indeed amongst the many Episode I action figures of 1999. It’s hard to deny that Hasbro went “all out” making him and for that, we’re quite thankful.

Chancellor Valorum comes with six point of articulation. These include a swivel head, swivel shoulders, a swivel waist, and swivel hips. His outer robe shell is easily removable, but underneath Chancellor Valorum is wearing a long dress (that goes down to his ankles). Because of these plastic molded robes, his hip articulation is completely wasted. He might as well be a solid piece of plastic from the swivel waist down. Still, it’s nice to know that Hasbro feels action figures should remain fully articulated despite it being nonfunctional. (We suppose it’s the thought that counts here.). But you can easily move his arms and head, and that’s about all the movement you need out of this action figure anyhow. Chancellor Valorum comes with an ornate staff. We can’t remember if it was in the film or not, but it complements his regal appearance very nicely. He can’t do much with it, but it is another display option for you. Also included with Chancellor Valorum is a CommTech chip, but you already know about these things all too well at this point.

Collector Notes

Chancellor Valorum

Status: Chancellor Valorum is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 6 points (6 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: removable rove shell, ceremonial staff

Date Stamp: 1998

Collection: 3

CommTech Details: 41 • Name: Chancellor Valorum • Status: Chancellor of the Galactic Senate

CommTech Phrases: "Welcome your highness. It's an honor to finally meet you in person." • "The Chair recognizes the senator from the sovereign system of Naboo."

Assortment Number: 84105/84132

UPC: 076281841328

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Episode I Wave 3

Boss Nass

Chancellor Valorum



Mace Windu

Added: August 16, 2015
Category: Episode I
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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