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Episode I

Queen Amidala (Naboo) - EI - Basic

Name: Queen Amidala (Naboo)
Collection: Episode I
Number: N/A
Source: The Phantom Menace
Availability: May 1999
License: Hasbro

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The young and newly elected ruler of Naboo, Queen Amidala desperately attempts to save her planet from the greedy Trade Federation with help from Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

We have often wondered if it was intentional of Hasbro to release multiple action figures of the same looking character with different names for the sole reason of plot preservation. Even in the very first wave of Episode I action figures Hasbro released both Queen Amidala (Naboo) and Padme Naberrie. Based on the card photos, no doubt existed that they weren’t the same characters. Sure, we have had plenty of Star Wars characters disguised throughout the Star Wars films, but we think that in the case of Queen Amidala it was taken to a whole other level. Of course, once everyone Saw the film, the confusion cleared up and it all made complete sense. Queen Amidala (Naboo) is actually one of the standout action figures in the first wave of the Episode I line. We wouldn’t claim it to be perfect, but Hasbro really ensured that the figure was authentic and as screen accurate as possible. In fact, aside from perhaps a too cherubic looking face, Queen Amidala (Naboo) has become one of our favorites in the line. Based on her unmasked appearance in the film after revealing herself to the Gungan people, Queen Amidala (Naboo) is a very important action figure as she was wearing this outfit while trying to defend the Theed palace from Separatist invasion. We think Hasbro has succeeded well here.

Queen Amidala (Naboo) is perfectly in scale to the other figures in the line. It seems that all of the action figures are a tad too tall in their stature, but keep in mind that they are within their appropriate sizes and frames from one another. Queen Amidala (Naboo) is no exception. She comes with six points of articulation which include a swivel head, swivel shoulders, a swivel waist and swivel hips. There aren’t any soft-goods with this action figure, but believe it or not you can garner quite a bit of movement from her lower body which is a wonderful thing. Her left arm has been positioned in a firing pose. But this is actually good since she comes with two differently sized blaster pistols. She is able to fire at will which is always a fun thing for an action figure to do. Her paint operations are quite excellent. We just wished her head wasn’t so rounded because it truly does seem like it’s the only thing preventing her from being nearly perfect. Sure, more articulation would be sublime, but that isn’t the standard for the Episode I line. Because of this, we feel that Hasbro has done excellently with the approach they did take on her. Besides, they seemed to have mastered the ideal pose for her anyway. For what she is, she is a very good action figure.

With all of the subterfuge that existed in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace to protect the Queen’s identity, it really just took one watching of the film to quickly answer all of the questions. In fact, many Star Wars fans went back and watched the many scenes of The Phantom Menace over again that contained the Queen and her handmaidens to see if it was actually her or just one of her decoys. You may be intrigues to find out who is who if you do this yourself. We know we had a couple of “wow” moments. You likely will too. Hindsight is always 20/20, but if you look at the first wave of the Episode I line with well-informed eyes, you probably now realize that major spoilers were part of it. The action figures basically told us who the Queen and Padme were, even if Amidala wasn’t connected to Padme’s first name at that very moment. There is one thing we can confirm as far as the action figure is concerned however. Queen Amidala (Naboo) is a treat for collectors and one of the impressive action figures in the Episode I basic figure line. The action figure not only captures the attitude of the character extraordinarily well, but it also develops the character’s plot to explain why she was such an interest for the boy who would eventually become Darth Vader.

Collector Notes

Queen Amidala (Naboo)

Status: Queen Amidala (Naboo) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 6 points (6 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: blaster pistol A, blaster pistol B

Date Stamp: 1998

Collection: 1

CommTech Details: 6 • Name: Queen Amidala • Status: Elected leader of Naboo

CommTech Phrases: "Now viceroy, this is the end of your occupation here." • "I am Queen Amidala." • "This is my decoy, my loyal bodyguard." • "If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever."

Assortment Number: 84085/84078

UPC: 076281840789

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Episode I
All Products

Added: August 10, 2015
Category: Episode I
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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