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Episode I

Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) - EI - Basic

Name: Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp)
Collection: Episode I
Number: N/A
Source: The Phantom Menace
Availability: February 2000
License: Hasbro

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Jar Jar Binks leads Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to Naboo's underwater city of Otoh Gunga in order to escape the invading Trade Federation forces.

Although it started out with a bang and remained strong for months, the Episode I line started to fizzle out by the time Y2K hit. Because of this and probably as you might imagine, later waves of Episode I basic figures became increasingly difficult to find at retail. In fact, it wasn’t until many discount chains began putting out this sought after figures that collectors began finding the likes of the impressive Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) action figure, among many others. The character of Jar Jar Binks has become a focus of controversy on almost every level you can think. From emulating racial stereotypes to being billed by many naysayers as the worst Star Wars character ever (just for being annoying), Jar Jar Binks is a characters that you love to hate or hate to love. There really is no middle ground. We’ll be looking at the figure of this character objectively, because even if we’re not totally fond of this specific character’s personality, we can’t help but find interest in the Gungan species (because of their beautiful design) and appreciate the art that went into designing the action figure. Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) is simply put an excellent Star Wars action figure. For us, it’s a must-have. Hopefully we’ll be able to convince you as well.

Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) is one of the first Hasbro action figures to come with a ball-jointed neck. This was added so the action figure could be positioned in a swimming pose to recreate the scene from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace when he leads both Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to the glimmering underwater city of Otoh Gunga. The range of movement you get from this enhanced point of articulation is phenomenal. The head rotates in ways you probably wouldn’t expect. What’s more, the joint is so well worked into the figure it literally has no negative affect on the figure’s aesthetics. We should count ourselves fortunate here. To complete the ability to “swim,” Hasbro gave Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) two hinge-jointed ankles. While these points of articulation are wonderful for recreating a doggie-paddle, they also allow you balance to position the figure standing in scenes that don’t require being underwater in your displays. Packed with a fish to complete the water theme, Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) is also packed with a CommTech chip so it can communicate with other action figures in the line, or just quote lines himself.

Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) has an excellent sculpt. There is no denying that. It’s easily better than previous versions released in the Episode I line earlier in 1999. Hasbro shows that even in the same action figure line that they are constantly evaluating where improvements can be made. They really did justice to the Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) figure. We’re impressed. Perhaps the most stunning aspect of this action figure aside from the premium articulation is the paint job. Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) has a complicated skin pattern that has been painstakingly applied to the figure flawlessly. On top of this Hasbro managed to add the rest of the paint operations around it and underneath of it without any bleeding or messiness. This is one beautiful action figure. While it would have been nice for this figure to have some updated articulation in the arms and knees, we are pretty certain that collectors will be deferring to Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) as their default “Jar Jar Binks” action figure. It’s significantly better than all previous versions. It’s just a shame that he was offered at the tail end of the Episode I line when interest was waning and collectors were salivating for a focus on the Original Trilogy again.

Collector Notes

Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp)

Status: Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 9 points (8 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-jointed head (2), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), hinge-jointed left ankle (1), hinge-jointed right ankle (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: fish

Date Stamp: 1998

Collection: 1

CommTech Details: 56 • Name: Jar Jar Binks • Status: Amphibious Gungan that Leads the Jedi to Otoh Gunga

CommTech Phrases: N/A

Assortment Number: 84085/84252

UPC: 076281842522

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Episode I
All Products

Added: August 2, 2015
Category: Episode I
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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