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The Power Of The Force “2” [Red/Green]

Bossk - POTF2 [R/G] - Basic

Name: Bossk
Collection: The Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection]
Number: N/A
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: February 1997
License: Hasbro

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Height: 1.9 meters
Status: Bounty Hunter
Classification: Trandoshan
Affiliation: Freelance
Weapon of Choice: Blaster Rifle

The opening wave of 1997 hit collectors like a ton of bricks (in a good way). Although they released a couple of characters based on The Empire Strikes Back in 1995 and 1996, we received almost an entire full wave of Episode V centric characters for the very first time in 1997. Released alongside the impressive 2-1B Medic Droid, Bossk, the first single-carded bounty hunter since Boba Fett was released with cheerful fanfare. Not only did we see that Kenner/Hasbro was intent of remaking all of the bounty hunters from the modern line, Bossk also proved that they were intent on bringing the most accurate representation of these characters into the basic figure line. The humans still were a bit wonky with exaggerated physiques and generic features, but when Bossk hit store shelves he almost took the breath away from the lucky collectors that found him. Hasbro clearly set a new precedent. Bossk possesses the accuracy fans demand. The action figure itself was full of grit and attitude. And the accessories weren’t so far out there that they might look askew to the figure. Everything was perfectly in place, from the sculpt to the deco, and made salivating Star Wars collectors only eager for what more Hasbro had planned for the rest of the year. Bossk is a true testament to how far the modern line had come in just a couple of short years.

Bossk has an excellent sculpt. He has been sculpted with his mouth in an open position which clearly is a first for the basic figure line. We’re so used to the 1980 TESB Bossk (Bounty Hunter) smiling figure that it’s hard to envision a different expression on his face than that. But for the first time you see the attitude in Bossk’s face. He means business and nothing is going to stop him. His skin is rough and his arms and legs are scaly. They have been painted in that green/brown color which is quite different from the orange colors used for the 1980 original version. Obviously all of these differences put Bossk through a different set of lenses for collectors. That’s alright though because we as collectors quickly realized the impact accuracy has over long running tradition. It’s indeed so much better to get accurate costumes and coloring for our action figures. And this is a priority for Hasbro as well. Bossk comes with the standard six points of articulation. The swivel joints move nicely yet tightly so the figure can maintain its pose as you see fit. Most notable however is how they articulation lines blend in almost seamlessly with the costume of the action figure. These were well configured places of articulation and we appreciate the efforts of Kenner/Hasbro in this regard. Bossk also has a fantastic center of gravity and will stand up without falling.

Bossk comes with two weapons. One is based on his gun from The Empire Strikes Back while the other is just a Hasbro concept added for extra play value. Interestingly, although both colored in gray (which is inaccurate for the strapped blaster rifle at least), the guns look awesome and accompany Bossk beautifully. Even the “new” gun looks like it could have been used in Episode V! Only Bossk’s left hand can hold the guns, but both guns fit well. The strapped blaster rifle have be strung from his left or right shoulder. We prefer to have it hang on his left shoulder so the figure can accommodate both guns at the same time. But if you’re looking for movie accuracy only, then you only have one option: his left hand. What’s nice however is that you can have the strap of the fun rest on his left shoulder while the figure is still able to hold the handle of the fun. This figure/accessory engineering was thoughtfully contrived by the sculptors at Kenner/Hasbro. We’d also like to reemphasize how nice the paint operations are on Bossk. From the decal on his shoulder to the ring around his collar, Kenner/Hasbro didn’t miss a beat when it came to this bounty hunter. You’re going to be impressed with what they’ve done for Bossk. And to think this is really only the beginning for bounty hunter fans. This is a must-have figure for sure!

Collector Notes


Status: Bossk is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 6 points (6 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: blaster rifle, blaster pistol

Date Stamp: 1997

Collection: 2

Assortment Number: 69605/69617

UPC: 076281696171

Retail: $4.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection] Wave 1 (Wave 7)
2-1B Medic Droid

AT-ST Driver
Hoth Rebel Soldier
Luke Skywalker (In Hoth Gear)

Added: July 8, 2015
Category: Power Of The Force "2" [Red/Green], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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