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C1-10P ("Chopper") - R - Saga Legends (SL06)

Name: C1-10P ("Chopper")
Collection: Rebels
Number: SL06
Source: Rebels
Availability: November 2014
License: Hasbro

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Chopper, otherwise known as C1-10P, is an Astromech Droid on board The Ghost freighter. Chopper assists the freedom fighters at ship repair, navigation, and computer access. An older model Droid patched together with various parts, Chopper is often cranky and grumpy.

There is a new sidekick in the Star Wars universe and his name is “Chopper”. Chopper is technically known as C1-10P, but as with any modern in Star Wars these days, a silly nickname is a prerequisite. C1-10P (“Chopper”) makes up 1/10 of the new Rebels Saga Legends line, a line that possesses anything but homogeneity. With a seemingly strong focus on characters from the Rebels television show, the Rebels toy line also incorporates many characters from the Star Wars films in addition to The Clone Wars television show. This hodgepodge of characters may be a smart decision, but we’re leery about the amount of repacks already in the first wave. Hopefully this will prove nothing but beneficial for the line. Obviously, Rebels is not a toy line for articulation-philes. In fact, poor C1-10P (“Chopper”) only comes with three points. But we must give credit where credit is due and that friends lies with the figures’ paint operations. There is no doubt that Hasbro has improved upon the paint operations of this budget line of figures. Not everything is exactly perfect at the moment, but there is clear and evident proof that major strides to get the paint operations on these figures up to snuff. When we pressed Hasbro at various media events, we never got what we would consider an acceptable answer from them on why there have been severe issues with the paint jobs. But all any of us really need to know is that good change is happening, and it’s affecting the action figures for the better.

C1-10P (“Chopper”), who is undoubtedly based on Ralph McQuarrie’s artwork (just like so many other Rebels characters are), is actually a fine action figure. There are important details of the character completely missing on the action figure. We find this to be very troubling. We’re talking about MAJOR details here, not a button or a switch colored the wrong way. C1-10P (“Chopper”) is missing his third unique third leg, which in the show looks a lot like a shopping cart wheel and at times a jet booster. Also missing from the figure are the arm attachments that extend out from his dome. As everyone knows, this was a key detail on McQuarrie’s concept of R2-D2. It would have been sublime for these to have been translated onto C1-10P (“Chopper”) just for posterity’s sake. If the intention is to go as simple as possible with this line, then Hasbro has achieved success. But hopefully if and when they tool a realistic version of C1-10P (“Chopper”) that they add all of these details and more to it because they’re very much needed in our opinion. That being said, C1-10P (“Chopper”) does have some rather excellent tooling. It’s frustrating to not be able to articulate the arms and levers sculpted into this figure, but the details are there nonetheless and they give the figure a wonderful texture and inside look at this two-dimensional now three-dimensional character. C1-10P (“Chopper”) interacts well with the other figures in the Rebels line and looks great in and next to the vehicles as well.

Let’s talk about the paint operations a little bit more. C1-10P (“Chopper”) has been given tremendously bettered paint operations than most other figures in the Saga Legends/Mission Series ranges have in the past. There is really no other way to state it. And it comforts us to know that this may be the new trend for the Rebels line (sad to say). It should have never reached this point at all in our opinion. His orange dome is striking, but it’s the finer details like the photoreceptors and even the yellow band running around the circumference of his head that make this figure pop out from a crowd. His articulation includes a swivel dome, and two swivel legs. We all know how important it is for these little droids to come with a lot more articulation than this, but dare we say it might be alright for a kids’ line like this? We just hope that there are enough kids invested in the show as well as a supply of collectors interested in this range of figures to keep this brand afloat. The Star Wars line has definitely changed. We never expected to be writing about action figures with five points of articulation over thirty years after the vintage Kenner line went extinct, but that’s what it is now. C1-10P (“Chopper”) is sort of the star of the show in Rebels, so it’s likely that he will be one of the hottest figures from the first wave. And at one figure per case, that’s a hard demand to fill. Although the Mission Series/Saga Legends line names are nowhere found on the packaging, the figures still utlize the MS/SL numbering designations as previosuly established.

Collector Notes

C1-10P ("Chopper")

Status: C1-10P ("Chopper") is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 3 points (3 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1)

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: 2014

Assortment Number: A8649/A3857

UPC: 653569987550

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


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Added: November 27, 2014
Category: Rebels
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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