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Star Tours

Disney Parks 2012 Collection - ST - Droid Factory

Name: Disney Parks 2012 Collection
Collection: STAR TOURS
Number: N/A
Source: R2 Units: A New Hope/R3 Units: A New Hope/ R4 Units: A New Hope/ R5 Units: A New Hope/R6 Units: The Clone Wars (Season 1 Episode 10: Lair Of Grievous)/R7 Units: Expanded Universe (Dark Empire)/R8 Units: The Clone Wars (Season 2 Episode 20: Death Trap)/R9 Units: Expanded Universe: (Dark Nest I: The Joiner King) First Appearances Only
Availability: May 2012
License: Hasbro


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The adventures continue at Star Tours! The Star Tours Travel Agency provides convenient daily departures to destinations throughout the galaxy. The Star Tours facilities are operated by many different types of droids, including all types of Astromech Droids. Among these, there are many different colors and styles of R-series droids. Each is different and has their own unique personality. They service every area of the facility and are responsible for navigation of the Starspeeder 1000. May the Force be with You.... and your Droids!

1.3 million. No, that’s not the number of hits in our Research Droids Reviews database. We’re about six times beyond that now as of our 5 year anniversary (which is today by the way). That number actually represents the total permutations of astromechs you can make with Disney’s unbelievably fun Droid Factory collection of droid parts. It seems like this would provide endless play value, no? Clearly, many of those arrangements are likely combinations that collectors would never want for their own collections, but who is to say that a totally mismatched astromech droid wouldn’t be contrived by a kid looking to add a diverse droid into his or her collection? It’s no secret. The Legacy Collection and Legacy Collection basic figure lines brought collectors the absolute best pack-in of all time: the Droid Factory sub-line: Build A Figure parts that when complete gave collectors an all-new astromech or protocol type droid. Aside from The Vintage Collection (which wins first place ranking just on packaging alone), Build A Droid is the next Star Wars collector favorite add-on to the basic figure line period. It certainly isn’t without its own share of controversy. Many collectors felt it was unfair that they would have to buy all of the action figures in a line in order to complete the astromech and protocol droids. We empathize with that somewhat, but maybe those people could trade with other collectors if they really wanted to build their own droids too. Obviously, no matter what Hasbro does will receive criticism in one form or another. But for the most part, we think that the reception they received with Droid Factory is overtly positive and we hope that they will be able to expend budget dollars to bring Star Wars collectors that pack-in premium again one day soon. Disney surprised everyone when they announced that Droid Factory would be coming to Disney parks in FL and CA. Much to the elation of locals and chagrin of the remaining collecting community, the Disney Droid Factory continues to build upon what Hasbro had already offered in the basic figure line between 2008 and 2010, and continues to bring more. Maybe these droid parts don't make screen accurate astromechs, but who really cares?

Why Hasbro hasn’t made it their mission to release mainline (and perhaps smaller) Droid Factory sets is clearly beyond comprehension. All of us know that they can’t possibly get out all of the various droids in the basic figure line. So why not kill five to ten birds with one stone and finally give collectors the movie accurate astromech droids (and protocol) droids via this format? The 2012 Droid Factory set up includes a plethora of parts for you to Build nearly endless droids ranging from R2-series astromechs all the way up R9-series astromechs. In all honesty, it's a little bit intimidating. Available heads include five (5) unique R2-series domes, two (2) unique R3-series domes, three (3) unique R4-series domes, three (3) unique R5-series domes, three (3) unique R6-series domes, three (3) unique R7-series domes, three (3) unique R8-series domes and three (3) unique R9-series domes for a total of 25 possible droid dome options. Available bodies include ten (10) standard droid bodies (all ranges) and three (3) R7-specific bodies for a total of 13 possible droid body options. There are ten (10) unique sets matching left and right legs. There are five (5) unique third legs. And lastly, available hats include four (4) unique Mickey Mouse ear hats, one (1) Indian Jones hat, one (1) baseball cap with Yoda’s ears protruding, one (1) Captain Jack hat and one (1) Goofy hat for a total of 8 possible hat options. Clearly, all of these parts together will allow for more options than you know what to do with and it would be almost impossible to photograph all of the options and not miss some. When all is said and done, there are 18 uniquely sculpted parts (and these 18 unique sculpts have been given a grand total of 71 unique colors) have the ability to “manufacture” 1,300,000 unique astromech droids, not counting the auxillary hole added for extra play value. It’s astounding to think how this is possible. While it will be more likely than not that kids and collectors will be less apt to make a droid out of a hodgepodge of parts, it’s still amazing to us that those many options exist. But whether you decide to make wholly colored droids or some “out of the box” color mixtures out of your pieces, we will no doubt know that you’ll have fun doing it. What's more, Disney created a poster showing every last droid part. You can view that HERE.

If you think about it, if you’re a completist collector you’re going to have to shell out a pretty penny to garner all of the unique parts. One droid will cost you $12.95 but you also have the option of purchasing a duo at a savings of $19.95 for a two-pack. Because you cannot buy the droid parts separately, this means that you will need to buy 12 two-packs and 1 single pack, provided that all of the parts are in stock. In layman’s terms, this translates to a whopping $252.35. This doesn’t include any other extra droids or duplicate droids you wish to make in addition to securing one of every part, or taxes, or anything else. As you can see, it adds up quickly and between the cost and the extremely limited availability in only two USA states, the Disney Droid Factory is as frustrating as it is exciting. Disney did include a few extras however to hopefully assuage the market to which Droid Factory appeals. You also will receive a plastic clamshell (single for one droid or dual for two droids) and well as a cardboard insert that briskly highlights the Droid Factory as well as provides quick art to the “handmade” figures. You also will receive an A through Z and numbers decal sheet so that you can personalize your droids and give them a unique name and/or identification number. As you can see, you do get a nice amount of stuff for the money and it really is a great affordable way for kids and collectors to take home a souvenir from the STAR TOURS attraction without breaking the bank. (Well, not if you try to get them all of course.) We have found that the possibilities to make cool astromech droids are almost endless. This is a great idea for the Star Wars brand. But it’s a terrible shame that it has been exclusively reserved for Disney parks at the moment. It would behoove Hasbro to get on making a mainline release (or even a store exclusive for that matter) of these same parts, just decorate/painted differently, and make them available to those who will never go to Disney. This is a wonderful thing. Hasbro needs to realize they have proverbial gold wasting away. When all is said and done, the STAR TOURS Droid Factory 2012 Collection is a magnificent set for Star Wars collectors. At least get some of the parts. You won't be sorry.

Collector Notes

Disney Parks 2012 Collection – STAR TOURS [Uniquely Sculpted Droid Parts]

Assortment Number: N/A


Retail: $11.99 (one-pack)/18.99 (two-pack) USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

R2-series Astromech Droid Head

Status: The R2-series Astromech Droid Head is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 5

Unique Color Description(s): silver dome/blue detail, red dome/silver detail, silver dome/green detail, silver dome/yellow detail, silver dome/red detail

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

R3-series Astromech Droid Head

Status: The R3-series Astromech Droid Head is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 2

Unique Color Description(s): clear dome/red detail, clear dome/purple detail

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

R4-series Astromech Droid Head

Status: The R4-series Astromech Droid Head is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 3

Unique Color Description(s): green dome/white detail, white dome/purple detail, white dome/blue detail

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

R5-series Astromech Droid Head

Status: The R5-series Astromech Droid Head is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 3

Unique Color Description(s): black dome/silver and orange detail, white dome/green detail, white dome/red detail

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

R6-series Astromech Droid Head

Status: The R6-series Astromech Droid Head is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 3

Unique Color Description(s): black dome/silver detail, white dome/yellow detail, white dome/purple detail

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

R7-series Astromech Droid Head

Status: The R7-series Astromech Droid Head is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 3

Unique Color Description(s): yellow dome/black and red detail, black dome/red and yellow detail, silver dome/blue and red detail

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

R8-series Astromech Droid Head

Status: The R8-series Astromech Droid Head is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 3

Unique Color Description(s): white dome/black detail, blue dome/silver detail, white dome/yellow detail

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

R9-series Astromech Droid Head

Status: The R9-series Astromech Droid Head is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 3

Unique Color Description(s): green dome/silver detail, red dome/silver detail, blue dome/silver detail

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

General Astromech Droid Body

Status: The General Astromech Droid Body is a reuse of the part from 2008's TLC R4-D6 Build A Droid figure.

Unique Color Count: 10

Unique Color Description(s): white body/black details, white body/yellow details, white body/black details, white body/blue details, white body/red details, white body/purple details, white body/green details, green body/silver details, blue body/black and white details, red body/white details, black body/silver details

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

R7-series/R8-series Astromech Droid Body

Status: The R7-series/R8-series Astromech Droid Body is a reuse of the part from 2008's TLC R7-Z0 Build A Droid figure.

Unique Color Count: 3

Unique Color Description(s): white body/yellow details, white body/black details, white body/blue details

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

General Astromech Droid Left Leg

Status: The General Astromech Droid Left Leg is a reuse of the part from 2008's TLC R4-D6 Build A Droid figure.

Unique Color Count: 10

Unique Color Description(s): white leg/green details, white leg/red details, white leg/blue details, white leg/yellow details, white leg/purple details, white leg/black details, blue leg/white details, red leg/white details, black leg/silver details, green leg/silver details

Articulation Count: 2

Articulation Details: hinge-jointed foot, rolling wheel

Date Stamp: 2008

General Astromech Droid Right Leg

Status: The General Astromech Droid Right Leg is a reuse of the part from 2008's TLC R4-D6 Build A Droid figure.

Unique Color Count: 10

Unique Color Description(s): white leg/green details, white leg/red details, white leg/blue details, white leg/yellow details, white leg/purple details, white leg/black details, blue leg/white details, red leg/white details, black leg/silver details, green leg/silver details

Articulation Count: 2

Articulation Details: hinge-jointed foot, rolling wheel

Date Stamp: N/A

General Astromech Droid Third Leg

Status: The General Astromech Droid Third Leg is a reuse of the part from 2008's TLC R4-D6 Build A Droid figure.

Unique Color Count: 5

Unique Color Description(s): green, white, black, blue, red

Articulation Count: 1

Articulation Details: rolling wheel

Date Stamp: N/A

Mickey Mouse Ears Cap

Status: The Mickey Mouse Ears Cap is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 4

Unique Color Description(s): black, red, blue, green

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

Indiana Jones Fedora

Status: The Indiana Jones Fedora is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 1

Unique Color Description(s): brown

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

Yoda Ears Cap

Status: The Yoda Ears Cap is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 1

Unique Color Description(s): green

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

Captain Jack Hat

Status: The Captain Jack Hat is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 1

Unique Color Description(s): black

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A

Goofy Hat

Status: The Goofy Hat is an all-new sculpt.

Unique Color Count: 1

Unique Color Description(s): yellow

Articulation Count: N/A

Articulation Details: N/A

Date Stamp: N/A





Droid Factory (2012 Collection)


All Products

Added: May 24, 2014
Category: Star Tours
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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