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Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]

Bossk (Executor Meeting) - SW [S - P3] - Basic (’04 #18)

Name: Bossk (Executor Meeting)
Collection: Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]
Number: ’04 #18
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: April 2004
License: Hasbro

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Darth Vader hired six of the galaxy’s most elite bounty hunters to track down the Millennium Falcon and her Rebel crew. Bossk was one of the hunters selected by Vader aboard the Executor after the Battle of Hoth. A towering reptilian Trandoshan and skilled predator, Bossk was a fearsome and heavily armed tracker. He was frequently bested by rival bounty hunter Boba Fett, and was betrayed by hunters he hired in the search for the Falcon.

If you were to poll ten collectors, we’d imagine that at least seven out of that ten would claim that 1997's POTF2 [FF/TKC] Bossk figure was a pretty darn good action figure. It certainly was in need of an immediate update. But what about an update seven years after the POTF2 version’s original release? Did we still need one then? The jury is still deliberating on that debate, because Bossk (Executor Meeting) from the Star Wars “Saga” line doesn’t bring a revolutionary amount of newness to the table. We don’t discount its updates at all. More articulation and better sculpting will always be embraced by us, but our point is that maybe an updated figure of this character could have been held back a little while longer until Hasbro could add premium articulation to it. Bossk (Executor Meeting) looks good and if you compare the figure to his 1997 counterpart, you’ll find that Hasbro did many strides to get him closer to definitive status, but in all honesty the figure lacks in a few areas, most notably the positioning of his legs, which make for a wonky balance issue and awkward stance.

Let’s talk about the highlights of Bossk (Executor Meeting) first. He looks good and there is no doubt about that. Compared to the 1997 version, he looks more ferocious and as if he’s been ticked off by a snooty Imperial officer. His mouth is more open this time and he has as what Mrs. Potato Head from Toy Story 2 would call “angry eyes” which work well for this Trandoshan scum. Bossk’s sculpt is better than average and his hands can hold the included rifle excellently. The rifle is all-new by the way too. It’s his left leg that holds our bone of contention. It shoots off to the left awkwardly and quite frankly looks like he may have a compound fracture under his jumpsuit. Something went awry here and unless Hasbro was trying to achieve something here that we just haven’t noticed yet, we’re not sure why the sculpted it the way they did here. That being said however, the detail in his costume is excellent. The finer points are more pronounced in general and some parts that didn’t make it to the 1997 iteration are forever immortalized here. We would have preferred to see more color variation in his skin, but Hasbro opted for a simpler deco in this regard.

Bossk (Executor Meeting) comes with an impressive 12 points of articulation, but keep in mind that all of the points are swivel articulation. This means that no matter how much articulation Hasbro crams into this figure, the points will only give you 360 degrees of motion in one plane. Sure, multiple swivel joints in any given “musculoskeletal system in an action figure” will provide you with a better range of motion, but swivel articulation, no matter how you slice it, is very limiting just by its inherent nature. Although the articulation is somewhat limiting, Bossk (Executor Meeting) has a relatively excellent sculpt and we think Hasbro really stepped up to the plate to bring what can be considered an above action figure with a fantastic likeness. Bossk (Executor Meeting) fits perfectly into the Star Wars “Saga” line, especially next to the Dengar (Executor Meeting) ('04 #17) action figure that was part of the same wave. We have uttered this multiple times now, but the final phase of the Star Wars “Saga” line considered collectors first. And maybe Bossk is an easy character to replciate in the action figure line, but it's more than evident that Hasbro has our interests at heart with this line. We're excited from where it goes from here.

Collector Notes

Bossk (Executor Meeting)

Status: Bossk (Executor Meeting) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 12 points (12 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left bicep (1), swivel right bicep (1), swivel left forearm (1), swivel right forearm (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), swivel left calf (1), swivel right calf (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: blaster rifle

Date Stamp: 2004

Assortment Number: 84772/84715

UPC: 076930847725

Retail: $4.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Star Wars [Saga - Phase III] Wave 29

Admiral Ozzel (Executor Assault) (’04 #16)

Dengar (Executor Meeting) (’04 #17)

Bossk (Executor Meeting) (’04 #18)

Added: February 1, 2014
Category: Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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