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Name: Coleman Trebor (Battle Of Geonosis)
Collection: Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]
Number: '03 #24
Source: Attack Of The Clones
Availability: July 2003
License: Hasbro
An amphibious creature from the watery world of Sembla, Coleman Trebor is a brave and noble Jedi Knight and member of the Jedi High Council. He is one of many Jedi assembled by Mace Windu to confront the Separatist armies on Geonosis. Here, where the Clone Wars begin, Trebor defeats countless Geonosian warriors and droid battalions, but meets his ultimate fate in the gunslinging hands of bounty hunter Jango Fett.
Coleman Trebor is one of the greatest action figures in the entire Star Wars “Saga” line. This is so for multiple reasons of which we’ll outline each and every one individually. The Star Wars “Saga” line approached Star Wars characters in completely different ways. And Coleman Trebor (Battle Of Geonosis) is a perfect example of this. We have commented in the past about this, but some of our most favorite characters are from Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones, despite this film being our least favorite in the saga. It’s an enigma to us, but for one reason or another, Hasbro must have an affinity for the characters in this film too because the action figures they make are some of their finest efforts. This phenomena clearly works full circle and probably the real reason why we’re digging the figures in the toy line. Coleman Trebor (Battle Of Geonosis) was an aggressive effort for Hasbro. As one of the first Jedi from the Geonosis Arena that comes with a healthy dose of articulation, Hasbro didn’t just stop there. They also provided him with one of the greatest deco schemes in the entire Star Wars “Saga” line. And the included environmental display stand (with imbedded Battle Droid parts) pulls everything together. Hopefully we can successfully articulate why you need this action figure and ultimately you'll see why he will stand the test of time while so many other action figures ride off into the sunset to be forgotten and completely obsolete.
First and foremost, Coleman Trebor (Battle Of Geonosis) has a brilliant and very accurate sculpt. He already comes slightly positioned in an action stance, but he also comes with a healthy does of articulation, eleven points to be precise, that allows you to take him even further as far as posing him is concerned. His Jedi tunic is ever so slightly crinkled and “moving” and gives Coleman Trebor the illusion that there is more action happening than meets the eyes. You’ll need to spend a few moments and inspect him from head to toe and see how much detail Hasbro has sculpted into this action figure. The head sculpt is especially intriguing. While his dark colored skin makes it a little difficult to make out his facial features, the texture of his skin on his face is nothing short of an amazing accomplishment. This care was also take on the hands where you’ll find similar bumps and creases that look exactly as they did during his brief appearances in the film. With a mix of ball-jointed and swivel articulation, Coleman Trebor is outfitted well to perform a decent amount of manipulation in a display. (Editor’s Note: Hasbro updated this figure in 2009’s LC Coleman Trebor/Jango Fett Geonosis Arena Showdown (1 of 6) set with super-articulation. While good in some ways, the deco sadly pales in comparison to this figure.)
As far as accessories go, Coleman Trebor (Battle Of Geonosis) comes with a lightsaber hilt, lightsaber blade and environmental display stand. What’s really cool about the display stand is that it can connect to the other environmental display stands that came with such figures as Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight) (‘03 #11) and Barriss Offee (Luminara Unduli’s Padawan) (‘03 #12). If this trend continues collectors will have a pretty cool lineup of the Jedi that fought at the onset on the Clone Wars during the Battle of Geonosis. We’re quite taken with this Coleman Trebor action figure. His sculpt is truly amazing. We hope that collectors don’t take it for granted. It’ss easy to pick at an action figure when it turns out badly, but we should also be praising Hasbro when they knock a sculpt out of the park. Quite honestly, when it comes to Coleman Trebor (Battle Of Geonosis), it’s so much more than the incredible sculpt. The paint job is equally intriguing. Looks how Hasbro has given him a wash that collects in all of the crevices to help further illustrate the texture of his skin and costume. And if you look closely, you’ll notice that we photographed two different sample, each with slightly different but equally awesome paint jobs. Some have less amounts of tan accents on the skin, while others are more blended in with the skin tone. But it really won’t matter how your sample will vary from ours. This is a truly incredible action figure and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the final product.
Status: Coleman Trebor (Battle Of Geonosis) is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: 11 points
Articulation Details: swivel head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, swivel left elbow, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, ball-jointed left knee, ball-jointed right ankle
Accessory Count: 3
Accessory Details: lightsaber hilt, lightsaber blade, environmental display stand
Date Stamp: 2003
Assortment Number: 84991/84861
UPC: 076930849910
Retail: $4.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
Star Wars [Saga - Phase III] |
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