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Name: Commander Neyo
Type: Mini Busts
Number: Item No. 10088
Edition Size: 1500 (2007 Tokyo Blister Event)
Source: Revenge Of The Sith
Availability: June 2007
License: Gentle
Giant Ltd.
Clone Commander Neyo was stationed on Saleucami during the Outer Rim Sieges. While on speeder bike patrol with his Jedi general, Stass Allie, he received Order 66 directly from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The command identified Allie as an enemy of the Republic. Carrying out the order, he braked his BARC speeder bike, falling in behind the Jedi. He and a wingman opened fire with their speeder-mounted laser cannons, killing Stass Allie and destroying her speeder bike.
It’s quite astounding what an edition size of 500 less pieces will do for a Mini Bust’s rarity. Perhaps it stems more from the panic of being without, but Commander Neyo instantly commanded a hefty aftermarket value just moments after its debut at 2007’s Tokyo Blister Event. One of two international clone commanders released that year (Commander Bly was the other and was released in the UK), Commander Neyo is tragically one of the best, if not the best clone commanders released as part of Gentle Giant Ltd.’s World Tour 2007. Just like Commander Cody, Commander Neyo pretty darn close to screen accuracy as you could wish. Clearly inspired from the scene when he intently listens to Darth Sidious’ execution of Order 66 (as evidenced by his hand up at his “ear”), Commander Neyo comes to collectors packing a punch with a collectible that will sure stand out from the other Mini Busts you may currently own. Commander Neyo may be one of the least “popular” clone commanders amongst collectors, but this fine specimen should create a renewed interest in this character. We know it has for us.
Commander Neyo has the most “compact” appearance of all clone commander Mini Busts while in an action pose. The sculpt is very dynamic and his captured pose looks like Gentle Giant Ltd. has freeze-framed a scene from the Battle of Saleucami sequence in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith. While mostly white except for the insignias on his armor, Gentle Giant has added a plethora of scratches and dirt smears to give him a battle worn look. You’ll notice upon careful inspection that the painters at Gentle Giant Ltd. did a phenomenal job of bringing Commander Neyo to life. Take for instance his pauldron and shoulder armor. There are layers of color and effects added to give it depth and dimension. And let’s not forget about Commander Neyo’s unique helmet. With a shape that stands out from the average phase II clone trooper, Commander Neyo’s helmet has so much detail that it would take more flowery words than we can come up with to describe how awesomely it’s been decorated. There’s a lot to be said when a paint brush and the person behind it can make something look this unbelievably realistic. We’re thoroughly impressed.
As mentioned above, Commander Neyo will be harder to attain for your collection in comparison to the other four clone commander Mini Busts. Limited to only 1500 pieces, the first 500 have been reserved for a special boxed set that Gentle Giant Ltd. sold through their website for PGMs. This means that only 1000 pieces found their way to the Tokyo Blister Event or the subsequent aftermarket. Order 66 was a very stirring sequence in Revenge Of The Sith, and the scenes that made it up were very emotional and defied belief. Ironically, the clones that murdered the beloved Jedi became hero antagonists or perhaps rogue protagonists by fans. It’s not that their deeds were approved by Star Wars enthusiasts, but it was hard to deny how much we adored them in the film. Whatever your stance, the Commander Neyo Mini Bust perfectly captures the look and stature of the character seen in Episode III. In one-sixth scale, it’s not too obtrusive to take up much space in your collection. Together, all five clone commanders look stunning together. But we will stand firm that there is something a little bit more special about Commander Neyo. We hope you will find one for your own collection.
Status: This highly detailed mini bust, based on the original Lucasfilm costumes and props, was sculpted and painted by Gentle Giant Ltd. We hope you enjoy it.
Exclusivity: 2007 Tokyo Blister Event Exclusive (Gentle Giant Ltd. World Tour 2007)
Assembly: (2 total parts) Mini Bust, Commander Neyo helmet
Date Stamp: 2007
Retail: $49.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
Gentle Giant Ltd. |
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