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Mini Busts

Greedo - Mini Busts

Name: Greedo
Type: Mini Busts
Number: Item No. 12919
Edition Size: 7500
Source: A New Hope
Availability: February 2004
License: Gentle Giant Ltd.

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Greedo is really a difficult character to screw up, but Gentle Giant Ltd. unfortunately found a way to do so. You might be surprised that we’re not entirely crazy about his Mini Bust, especially since its been hailed an artistic achievement by so many collectors. We’ll admit that many of Greedo’s features are spot on and the hand painted details are even better, but there is something terribly wrong with the shape and expression of his portrait. If you compare the Rodians of the Original Trilogy against the Rodians of the Prequel Trilogy, you’ll find that they look different from each other. Upon careful inspection side by side, we’ve found that characters like Greedo and Beedo has more accentuated features, like a longer mouth and a more oblong and irregular head shape whereas a character like Pax Bonkik has a more rounded head and shorter mouth. For reasons unknown, Greedo tends to favor the features of Pax Bonkik more than himself. And for this we are a bit saddened.

Let’s has out the good points. Save for the portrait, Greedo has a fantastic sculpt. He is sneakily hiding a blaster behind his back in his right hand and his left arm is outstretched showing the detail of his enormously long fingers. The details of his costume have been replicated beautifully. The vest has been painted a pale orange and his mint green or teal jumpsuit is accented with ribbed yellow piping along the outside edges. Another detail that pleases us that they didn’t miss is his purple metallic eyes. In this larger scale you can appreciate these details. For the Hasbro action figures, details like this are often missed because of the much smaller scale. So its nice to see accuracy in spots like this for the first time. Sadly the beauty of Greedo is dampened by his head sculpt. Honestly, Greedo doesn’t look like himself. The size and shape of his head is inaccurate and you’ll only be left thinking it’s a distant relative wearing his clothes. (Sigh.)

Greedo comes with a massive edition size of 7500 units. This is a very surprising amount of high-end collectibles to be made for this character. While undoubtedly popular, it’s still a number that will have plenty of pieces unsold, or at a clearance price to completely move them. Greedo is the first Chalmun’s cantina alien made in the Mini Bust line. We wish we could say the debut character for the scene in A New Hope ushered more than its fair share of disappointment. The Mini Bust line at the time Greedo was manufactured, while not in its infancy stage, was still in its early stages of development. Gentle Giant Ltd. will need to continue riding the learning curve until they perfect the branding completely. If you love Rodians and bounty hunters, you may be able to overlook where Greedo falls short, but collectors who demand a high level of accuracy in their collectibles may be left feeling a little bit cold.

Collector Notes


Status: Greedo leaps off the screen and into your hands with this limited edition Mini-Bust. This product is an authentic, licensed collectible designed and developed by Gentle Giant Studios. To assure 100% realism, Gentle Giant Studios three-dimensionally scans actors, costumes, and props whenever available, as well as original uniforms and models from the Lucasfilm archives. This information is then processed, digitally output, and combined with traditional sculpting artistry to create the final sculpture.

Exclusivity: N/A

Assembly: N/A

Date Stamp: 2004

UPC: 761568129199

Retail: $44.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Gentle Giant Ltd.
All Mini Busts

Added: June 11, 2013
Category: Mini Busts
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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