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Name: Clone
Trooper (With Space Gear)
Collection: The Clone Wars [Blue]
Number: No. 21
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 1 Episode 2: Rising Malevolence)
Availability: January 2009
Clone troopers are outfitted with additional gear when a battle calls for them to leave their ships and venture into the vacuum of space. Wearing specialized breathing equipment, they can move through space to board enemy ships for attack or seizure.
In almost every episode of The Clone Wars, every clone trooper battalion serves a unique purpose and has special characteristics to their armor that assists them in fighting better in whatever environment they find themselves. And if the environment requires them to travel through space, then no better clone will do then a Clone Trooper (With Space Gear). Certainly not the coolest name for an action figure, this figure makes up for what it doesn't have in a name by what it offers as a toy. Actually part of the Wolfpack squad which is from the 104th Battalion in The Clone Wars, this action figure has a lot of cool accessories that, when broken down, show an intricately color-flashed clone trooper underneath. Not really a simple clone flavor, definitely don't be fooled by its basic design. It really delivers a unique perspective on the clone army and a new way to look at some of the events that transpired during the rich history of The Clone Wars. In some of the earliest scenes in the first season, we got a glimpse at one of these specialized units and they were clearly a staple of assisting the Jedi in space. These clone troopers look a lot like the generic clones and then not so much. And in a moment we will show why this figure appears the way it does (this isn't meant to confuse you - this figure is a simple reuse of a previous mold).
Clone Trooper (With Space Gear) is for the most part a simply painted clone. While he has quite a few extra details attached to his armor, there isn't anything different about the actual armor itself. The most intricate detail can be found on his helmet which when looked at carefully, imitates the face of some larger feline. It is a great detail that enforces the fact that this is a defensive team set out to secure the best outcomes for the Jedi. The rest of the clone trooper is mostly white, save for dark red or maroon flashes of color on the lower extremities of the armor as well as the shoulders. The shoulders also have a striped pattern that looks really sharp and depending upon your sample, the alternating pattern can go from very sharp to a little muddy looking. Overall, most samples look fantastic and it has been our experience that it is more difficult to not find a nicely painted sample. Hasbro ensured that this fine detail was captured flawlessly on the figure. The clone trooper has a removable backpack that attaches to a hole on his back. It also launches a missile projectile (which is nothing new - we have seen it 100 times before) and looks decent when kept inside of the backpack. Also new for this clone is a removable breathing mask (no doubt required for the atmospheric air quality) and chest pack (also removable) which is very simply sculpted but looks pretty neat and functions as a wonderful accent to his armor. Part of his chest armor has a spot to hold his blaster pistol. It is a neat little convention and suits this type of clone trooper very well. He is also outfitted with a standard DC-15 blaster rifle.
Believe it or not, Clone Trooper (With Space Gear) is only a rework of the basic Clone Trooper (No. 5) figure. Of course this revisit of the original figure comes with more bells and whistles, but it shows how far a little creativity can go. And it also proves that Hasbro are excellent stewards of their tools as they can minimize cost while maximizing the variety of the line. The figure is a necessity for your collection if you are looking to recreate this scene or even just building you clone armies. Led by Plo Koon, these clone troopers served an awesome leader in this story arc in The Clone Wars. They performed perfectly to the exacting standards of the mission and were an asset to their Jedi leader. And Hasbro has replicated the exact standards very well into the action figure. If Hasbro keeps delivering action figures of this quality, they will continue to ensure they leave collectors with a contented heir. And one of the more self-centered aspects of collecting is the expectation that our figures will bring us some material happiness. Clone Trooper (With Space Gear) without a doubt brings forth small joys and we are certain that you will feel similarly. And we are sure that we can expect many future offerings that will bring the same feelings to us also!
Status: Clone Trooper (With Space Gear) is a rework of 2008's TCW Clone Trooper (No. 5) figure with all-new accessories.
Articulation Count: 25 points (14 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 6
Accessory Details: removable chest armor with holster, removable chest box with breathing mask, removable jetpack, projectile, DC-17 blaster pistol, DC-15 blaster
Date Stamp: 2008
Assortment Number: 87941/87638
UPC: 653569350477
Retail: $7.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
Clone Wars [Film/Season 1] Wave 4 |
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