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The Vintage Collection

Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot) - TVC - Basic (VC71)

Name: Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot)
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: VC71
Source: The Phantom Menace
Availability: October 2012
License: Hasbro

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When the Gran Podracer Mawhonic was released in the Discover The Force line in January of 2012, collectors were helpless to not notice how short he appeared. Was the “rough and “tough” Podracer actually a dwarf? Well, it turned out that he is. Yet it couldn’t detract from the affection we quickly developed for him in our collections. 2012 was regrettably about The Phantom Menace in 3D and with that collectors were introduced to new and revisited characters from Episode I in the toy line. The Vintage Collection started off 2012 in a very impressive way with a nice wave of 12 figures, most of which were all-new and a few repacks that appeared in The Vintage Collection packaging for the first time for good measure. But two characters that fans have wanted to see immortalized in plastic for years now were Ben Quadinaros and Mawhonic – both of which get that much deserved chance in The Vintage Collection. Of course Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot) was intended to be released before the Ben Quadinaros & Otoga-222 two-pack, but that didn’t happen and he ended becoming part of the very last wave of The Vintage Collection. Hasbro captured every last detail perfectly on Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot) and it’s absolutely incredible to have him finally released the way he should have been first: in The Vintage Collection with the rest of the beautifully sculpted action figures in this vaunted line of figures.

You know the nitty-gritty about this figure already. Hasbro impressively worked an incredible 14 points of articulation into Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot). These said points of articulation are very well-hidden. Thankfully Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot) comes with armored pieces that go over some joints that would typically be visible, but now aren’t. The paint job is superb and there is very little to complain about here. Well maybe one thing can be a reason to complain. Mawhonic no longer comes with the Podracer flag that was part of the 2012 SW [TPM 3D] Mawhonic (6 of 12) Discover The Force figure, so hopefully you have secured one or two of the Walmart exclusive to ensure you own one of these very cool flags. Also, keep in mind that you also won’t be getting the action figure stand or the Galactic Battle Game card should you be interested in such things. But on a more positive note, Hasbro did remember to keep his gun which is a repaint of the strapped blaster rifle that originally shipped with 2007’s VTSC Bossk (Bounty Hunter) figure. The biggest benefit for collectors with The Vintage Collection release is the packaging. Quite honestly, the Discover The Force version would had been enough and another Gran, Ree-Yees, would have been a much more exciting character to put into this line look instead. But since Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot) was planned so long ago, he was destined to become part of The Vintage Collection.

The Phantom Menace is very well represented in The Vintage Collection, much to the chagrin of many Original Trilogy purists, but we have to admit that Hasbro has made some fine action figures based on characters from Episode I and we are very happy to own them, especially in classic “silver and black” packaging. Some people can’t get over the logo Hasbro used for the front of the card back, but we think that it as well as the other two Prequel Trilogy logos are rather remarkable. Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot) is a figure that you actually receive “less” of in The Vintage Collection than the Discover The Force packaging. But it’s a sacrifice you may have to make if you’re a fan of The Vintage Collection. And let’s face it. Who isn’t a fan of The Vintage Collection? It’s a line that has brought collectors the best action figures to date and promises to bring more when the line returns in a couple of years after the return of Droid Factory wears out its welcome. We just want to know if we should expect the podracers of Mawhonic and Ben Quadinaros any time soon. But we know deep in our hearts that the answer to that question is undeniable. That will never happen. Enjoy Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot) the way he was originally intended. There isn’t one difference on the actual figure that makes it unique, so it’s all about the packaging. But for The Vintage Collection, that has always been the case!

Collector Notes

Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot)

Status: Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot) is a straight repack of 2012's SW [TPM 3D] Mawhonic (6 of 12) Discover The Force figure. It's perhaps more accurate to say that the 2012 SW [TPM 3D] Mawhonic (6 of 12) Discover The Force figure is a pre-release of this The Vintage Collection release.

Articulation Count: 14 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed ankles, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: blaster rifle

Date Stamp: 2011

Assortment Number: 98531/37499

UPC: 653569732969

Retail: $9.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Vintage Collection Wave 16
Mawhonic (Podracer Pilot) (VC71)
Naboo Pilot (VC72)
Aurra Sing (VC73)
Gungan Warrior (VC74)
Ahsoka (VC102)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (VC103)
Lumat (VC104)
Emperor's Royal Guard (VC105)
Nien Nunb (VC106)
Weequay (VC107)
Republic Trooper (The Old Republic) (VC113)

Orrimaarko (Prune Face) (VC114)

Added: October 5, 2012
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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