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The Vintage Collection

Ewok Scouts (Wunka/Widdle Warrick) - TVC - Special Action Figure Sets

Name: Ewoks Scouts (Special Action Figure Set)
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: N/A (Exclusive)
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Availability: September 2012
License: Hasbro

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These two Ewoks take over an AT-ST walker during the Battle of Endor helping the Rebels in their fight to seize an Imperial bunker. With their new friend Chewbacca, the Ewoks hijack the Imperial walker and toss one of the troopers out of the AT-ST while knocking the other trooper unconscious.

Depending upon a certain point of view, the Star Wars collecting world wasn’t really a nice place to live prior to 2006. You see, Hasbro shied away from making a certain species in the Star Wars universe because they thought that they weren’t popular enough to have the support from the collecting community. They were wrong. But in 2006, everything changed and Hasbro produced their first in-scale Ewok, 2006’s TSC Chief Chirpa (SAGA 039) to be exact. The figure wasn’t loaded with articulation that today’s Ewoks receive, but the detail and accuracy achieved with Chief Chirpa was unprecedented. Before him, Hasbro found new and frankly annoying ways to revisit and retool Wicket and Logray from the 1998 POTF2 Freeze Frame basic figure line and while some of the “new” Ewoks they managed to create from them were relatively creative, they lacked the magic of new action figures getting made at the time. Heck, they even utilized these old 1998 sculpts for 2007’s TAC The Battle Of Endor Ultimate Battle Pack set. But it’s time to move on past the wrongdoings and rejoice in the present because Hasbro is making the greatest Ewoks of all time right now. If you told us in 2005 that we’d be getting new Ewoks in one year that came awfully close to double digits, we would have encouraged you to admit yourself inpatient somewhere for some mental health. But you would have been correct in your assertion because that, friends, is happening. Between the glorious 2012 SW [TPM 3D] Ewok Pack Toys R Us exclusive and now the Kmart exclusive Ewok Scouts (Special Action Figure Set), Ewok lovers (and closet Ewok lovers) have reason to celebrate. So dig out your old Return Of The Jedi soundtrack, cue Ewok Celebration and get your dance on.... it is a time to celebrate indeed!

You probably have heard the rumors that the three Kmart exclusives, instead of functioning independently, were intended to be part of an Ultimate Battle Pack set of some sort. Hasbro thought it a wider decision to split up the contents, yet still relegate them to the same vendor. There is a reason this happened. Hasbro wanted to release these exclusive in the 2012 line look, but Kmart was dead set against that. Probably from being a retailer for such a long time, at a time when they “saw” the Original Trilogy and original Kenner toy line come and go, they knew the power of the classic vintage line look and wanted to keep releasing exclusives in this manner. Someone high up at Kmart must be a vintage Star Wars fan, huh? It worked out to our benefit and now the Ewok Scouts, Endor AT-ST Crew and Scout Walker (AT-ST) are all released individually in stunning classic packaging. We love the look of them, but admittedly, we find the packaging slightly odd. While it does look old school from a certain angle, the addition of the “Special Action Figure Set” moniker throws us for a loop. There were no Special Action Figure Sets released for the Return Of The Jedi line and this packaging is a hybrid of a few different looks. Thankfully it works ultimately. Whether you like the packaging or not however doesn’t mean a hill of beans in the long run because the two included Ewoks in the Ewok Scouts set are two more extremely impressive offerings! Welcome Wunka and Widdle Warrick proudly into your collection. You’re going to absolutely adore them!

This wasn’t the first time we received these figures in the Hasbro line you know. They actually came to us as Oochee and Wicket W. Warrick (a typo on the packaging – it is meant to be Widdle Warrick instead) in 2007’s TAC The Battle Of Endor Ultimate Battle Pack TARGET exclusive. The figures were instantly outdated when they hit shelves and it took a half a decade almost to the day before Hasbro updated them. Now called Wunka instead of Oochee and Widdle Warrick instead of Wicket W. Warrick, Wunka and Widdle Warrick are two unbelievable modern updates to a species we’re proud to love. Both Ewoks are kit-bashed figures that utilize the Nho’Apakk figure from 2009’s LC Ewoks (BD18) set. The way you can tell that Nho’Apakk’s body was used instead of an earlier figure is by the retooled torso which no longer sports a belt. Wunka receives an all-new head sculpt, but Widdle Warrick's is recyled from Leektar from The Vintage Collection. But both Ewoks sport all-new cowls and all-new weapons. You might also be interested to know that Wunka and Widdle Warrick come sealed in packaged that include the opposite accessories shown on the package art. In other words, Wunka actually comes in a sealed baggie with the club and Widdle Warrick comes in a sealed baggie with an axe. We would have to watch the film again to see who actually had what accessory, but we like the idea of Wicket’s brother flailing an axe around. So we shot our gallery as they were packaged, not shown on the package artwork. The paint jobs on these figures are sublime. We’re a little (slightly) disappointed that Hasbro decorated Wunka’s cowl in such an obvious green color because in the film it looks dark brown. Trust us. It’s a very small setback and almost not worthy of mentioning. Overall, the Ewok Scouts Kmart exclusive is a hit. Make sure you secure it so you can have the exact Ewoks who took hijacked the Tempest Scout 2.

Collector Notes

Ewok Scouts (Special Action Figure Set)

Assortment Number: A1117/A1116

UPC: 653569779445

Retail: $14.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


Status: Wunka is a kit-bashed figure that utilizes the body of the Nho'Apakk figure from 2009's LC Ewoks (BD18) figure set with an all-new head sculpt. This time the figure also comes with an all-new hood and club. (The outside of the packaging shows him holding the axe, but inside he comes packaged with the club.)

Articulation Count: 10 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: cowl, club

Date Stamp: 2012

Widdle Warrick

Status: Widdle Warrick is a kit-bashed figure that utilizes the body of the Nho'Apakk figure from 2009's LC Ewoks (BD18) figure set with the head of Leektar from 2008's TLC Leektar & Nippet (BD 4) figure set. This time the figure also comes with an all-new hood and axe. (The outside of the packaging shows him holding the club but inside, he comes packaged with the axe.)

Articulation Count: 10 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: cowl, axe

Date Stamp: 2012


The Vintage Collection Special Action Figure Sets Wave 1
Special Action Figure Set

The Vintage Collection Special Action Figure Sets Wave 2
Special Action Figure Set (Hero Set)
Special Action Figure Set (Rebel Set)

Special Action Figure Set (Villain Set)

The Vintage Collection Special Action Figure Sets Wave 3
Special Action Figure Set (Android Set)
Special Action Figure Set (Imperial Forces Set)

Special Action Figure Set (Imperial Set)

The Vintage Collection Special Action Figure Sets Wave 4
Special Action Figure Set (Droid Set)
Special Action Figure Set (Villain Set) [Version 2]

The Vintage Collection Special Action Figure Set (Kmart Exclusives)
Endor AT-ST Crew
Ewok Scouts

Added: September 20, 2012
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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