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Revenge Of The Sith

Mon Mothma - ROTS - Basic (III 24)

Name: Mon Mothma
Collection: Revenge Of The Sith
Number: III 24
Source: Revenge Of The Sith
Availability: April 2005
License: Hasbro

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A member of the Galactic Senate, Mon Mothma is troubled by the expanding power of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. She secretly begins to assemble groups that will eventually become the Rebel Alliance.

Mon Mothma is a character that wears her heart on her sleeve. This doesn’t reflect a weak spirit or a wavering soul, but it is evident that she is a virtuous woman who throughout the duration of her career has attributing her life to fighting for the freedom of the people. It is in Episode III (the deleted scenes actually) where we see her as a key member in the formation of the Rebel Alliance. A confident confidant, she is one of many senators who grows extremely concerned over the amount of power that Palpatine is acquiring during the Clone Wars and possesses enough premonition that is could mean disaster for the Republic. Appearing in a very important scene that didn’t make it to the final version of the film, Mon Mothma’s final appearance in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith was merely a cameo appearance than anything else and her role wasn’t clearly developed due to time constraints. Thankfully, Hasbro had developed her into an action figure as one of the first two dozen figures designed for the line available at the premier of the toy line going on sale, otherwise we may still be without her today.

The action figure is pretty much was every robe wearing female action figure looks like. Mon Mothma has severely limited movement and not the best articulation, but if you just want a version of her hanging in the background of various Senate-themed dioramas, this figure will fair quite well. The sculpt is average. We can’t really say it’s good or better than good, but all of the key characteristics translate fairly like her pale complexion and fire red hair color. Her expression is a little weak. For reasons unknown she reminds us of Cher a little bit. Something about her facial structure coupled with a flared left side of her lip is making her look like a doppelganger of Cher. You decide. Mon Mothma (both her Episode III and Episode VI appearances) has a much softer expression on her face and the action figure expression looks a tad bit harsher. The outfit she is wearing is off-white and has a very fine textured appearance. The outfit is also ornamented with a silver necklace that helps give it more character. And even though it sounds like we are giving this figure’s looks a hard time, we still have to admit it isn’t that bad.

Mon Mothma only comes with eight points of articulation. But you probably have come to accept that action figures in these types of outfits won’t have too many more points of movement than this. A ball-socket head is accompanied by two swivel shoulder, two swivel elbows, two swivel wrists and a swivel waist (but the waist articulation is hidden under her dress). Mon Mothma also comes with a silver ornately sculpted helmet and a matching baton, although the baton isn’t seen in the film. It’s obviously meant to pay a little bit of homage to the 1998 POTF2 [FF/TKC] Mon Mothma Freeze Frame figure. Lastly, she comes with an environmental display stand that helps to make her a little bit more of a value. Mon Mothma will never be the most popular Star Wars character on the planet, but she does have a strong following of collectors. Kids seem to dictate a lot of Hasbro’s decisions, so perhaps we should count ourselves fortunate that Hasbro decided to buck up and design Mon Mothma. While it’s virtually impossible that Hasbro will ever update her with better ball-jointed articulation in the future, we do hope something like this comes to pass. But we would want to see a definitive version of her based on her Episode VI appearance first.

Collector Notes

Mon Mothma

Status: Mon Mothma is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 8 points (8 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-jointed head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left elbow (1), swivel right elbow (1), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel waist (1)

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: helmet, baton, environmental display stand

Date Stamp: 2005

Collection: 2

Assortment Number: 85296/85174

UPC: 076930852965

Retail: $5.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Revenge Of The Sith Wave 2

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Mon Mothma (III 24)

Added: May 25, 2012
Category: Revenge Of The Sith
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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