Doctor Aphra (VC129)  - Hasbro - The Vintage Collection (2018)
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Reviews that begin with "P"

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Pablo-Jill (Geonosis Arena) - OTC - Basic (’05 #1)

Original Trilogy Collection, The

Pablo-Jill - LC [2] - Basic

Legacy Collection [2]

Pablo-Jill - TBS [P1] - Basic (#10)

Black Series [Phase I], The

Padawan Jecki Lon - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (TA03)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Padmé - ROTS - Basic (III 19)

Revenge Of The Sith

Padmé - TSC - The Episode III Greatest Battles Collection (6 of 14)

Saga Collection, The

Padmé Amidala (Arena Escape) - SW [S - P1] - Basic (’02 #02)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase I]

Padmé Amidala (Attack Of The Clones) - S.H. Figuarts

S.H. Figuarts

Padmé Amidala (Coruscant Attack) - SW [S - P1] - Basic (’02 #41)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase I]

Padmé Amidala (Droid Factory Chase) - SW [S - P2] - Basic (’03 #04)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase II]

Padmé Amidala (Lars’ Homestead) - SW [S - P3] - Basic (’03 #36)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]

Padmé Amidala (Naboo Senator: Ilum) - 1:6 Scale Figures

1:6 Scale Figures

Padmé Amidala (Peasant Disguise) - TVC - Basic (VC33)

Vintage Collection, The

Padmé Amidala (Secret Ceremony) - SW [S - P3] - Basic (’03 #22)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]

Padmé Amidala (Snow Bunny) - Mini Busts

Mini Busts

Padmé Amidala - FOD - Basic Figures

Forces Of Destiny

Padmé Amidala - LC - Basic (BD35)

Legacy Collection

Padmé Amidala - LC [2] - Basic

Legacy Collection [2]

Padmé Amidala - SW [S - P2] - 12 Inch Figures

Star Wars [Saga - Phase II]

Padmé Amidala - TAC - Basic (30 56)

30 (77-07)

Padmé Amidala - TBS [P1] - Basic (#01)

Black Series [Phase I], The

Padmé Amidala - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (81)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Padmé Amidala - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (TPM03)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Padmé Amidala - TCW [B] - Basic (No. 20)

Clone Wars [Blue], The

Padmé Amidala - TCW [R] - Basic (CW35)

Clone Wars [Red], The

Padmé Amidala - TLC - Basic (BD 12)

Legacy Collection, The

Padmé Amidala - TSC - Basic (SAGA 067)

Saga Collection, The

Padmé Amidala - Unleashed


Padmé Amidala Legacy, The - TLC - Evolutions

Legacy Collection, The

Padmé Naberrie - EI - Basic

Episode I

Palpatine - ROTS - Basic (III 35)

Revenge Of The Sith

Paploo - ROTJ - Basic

Return Of The Jedi

Paploo - TBS [ROTJ40] - Six Inch Figures

Black Series [Anniversary Collection], The

Paploo - TVC - Basic (VC190)

Vintage Collection, The

Passel Argente - ROTS - Basic (III 61)

Revenge Of The Sith

Pax Bonkik - TAC - Basic (30 54)

30 (77-07)

Paz Vizsla (Carbonized) - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Paz Vizsla - EHS - Deluxe

Epic Hero Series

Paz Vizsla - TVC - Deluxe

Vintage Collection, The

Phantom Attack Shuttle, The - R - Vehicles


Phantom Attack Shuttle, The - R - Vehicles (Exclusive)


Phase I Clone Trooper - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (AOTC02)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Phase I Clone Trooper - TVC - Basic (VC309)

Vintage Collection, The

Phase I Clone Trooper - TVC - Builder Packs

Vintage Collection, The

Phase I Clone Trooper Commander/Phase II Clone Trooper/Imperial Stormtrooper/First Order Stormtrooper Officer - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Phase I Clone Trooper Lieutenant - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (AOTC01)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Phase II Clone Trooper (212th) - TVC - Builder Packs

Vintage Collection, The

Phase II Clone Trooper (Holiday Edition) - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Phase II Clone Trooper - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (TCW14)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Phase II Clone Trooper - TVC - Builder Packs

Vintage Collection, The

Pirate Speeder Bike With Cad Bane - TCW [SOTDS] - Deluxe

Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side], The

Pit Droids (2-Pack) - EI - Basic

Episode I

Pit Droids - EI - Action Collection

Episode I

Pit Droids [Maroon - Version 1] - TAC - Saga Legends

30 (77-07)

Pit Droids [Maroon - Version 2] - TAC - Saga Legends

30 (77-07)

Pit Droids [Orange - Version 1] - TAC - Saga Legends

30 (77-07)

Pit Droids [Orange - Version 2] - TAC - Saga Legends

30 (77-07)

Pit Droids [White - Version 1] - TAC - Saga Legends

30 (77-07)

Pit Droids [White - Version 2] - TAC - Saga Legends

30 (77-07)

Plo Koon (Arena Battle) - SW [S - P1] - Basic (’02 #12)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase I]

Plo Koon (Jedi Master) - Order Of The Jedi - 1:6 Scale Figures

1:6 Scale Figures

Plo Koon (Jedi Master) - POTJ - Basic

Power Of The Jedi

Plo Koon - LC - Basic (BD45)

Legacy Collection

Plo Koon - LC - Saga Legends (SL13)

Legacy Collection

Plo Koon - Mini Busts

Mini Busts

Plo Koon - R - Saga Legends (SL16)


Plo Koon - ROTS - Basic (III 16)

Revenge Of The Sith

Plo Koon - ROTS - Basic (III 66)

Revenge Of The Sith

Plo Koon - SW [S - P1] - 12 Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase I]

Plo Koon - SW [TPM 3D] - The Clone Wars (CW6)

Star Wars [The Phantom Menace 3D]

Plo Koon - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (109)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Plo Koon - TCW [B] - Basic (No. 14)

Clone Wars [Blue], The

Plo Koon - TCW [SOTDS] - Basic (CW53)

Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side], The

Plo Koon - TLC - Saga Legends (SL 9)

Legacy Collection, The

Plo Koon/R4-F5 - TAC - Droid Factory (1 of 6)

30 (77-07)

Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter - ROTS - Vehicles (Exclusive)

Revenge Of The Sith

Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter - TCW [SOTDS] - Vehicles

Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side], The

Plourr Ilo/Dllr Nep - LC - Comic Packs (Exclusive)

Legacy Collection

Po Nudo - TAC - Basic (08 07)

30 (77-07)

Podracer Pilots - SW [TPM 3D] - Exclusives

Star Wars [The Phantom Menace 3D]

Poe Dameron (Resistance Pilot) - SW [TLJ] - Basic

Star Wars [The Last Jedi]

Poe Dameron (With BB-8) - Star Wars Toybox (11)

Star Wars Toybox

Poe Dameron - Elite Series

Elite Series

Poe Dameron - TBS [P3] - 3.75 Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Poe Dameron - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (07)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Poe Dameron - TFA - Armor Up (Forest/Snow) (Exclusive)

Force Awakens, The

Poe Dameron - TFA - Armor Up (Space)

Force Awakens, The

Poe Dameron - TFA - Build A Weapon (Space)

Force Awakens, The

Poe Dameron - TVC - Basic (VC160)

Vintage Collection, The

Poe Dameron/BB-8 - SW [R] - Two-Packs

Star Wars [Resistance]

Poe Dameron/First Order Riot Control Stormtrooper - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Poe Dameron’s X-Wing Fighter - TVC - Vehicles

Vintage Collection, The

Poe’s Boosted X-wing Fighter - SW [TLJ] - Vehicles (Exclusive)

Star Wars [The Last Jedi]

Poe’s X-wing Fighter - TFA - Vehicles (Class III) (Snow)

Force Awakens, The

Poggle The Lesser - TSC - Basic (SAGA 018)

Saga Collection, The

Polis Massan - ROTS - Basic (III 39)

Revenge Of The Sith

Ponda Baba (Walrus Man) - TVC - Basic (VC70)

Vintage Collection, The

Ponda Baba - POTF2 [FB/CT] - Action Collection

Power Of The Force "2" [FlashBack/CommTech], The

Ponda Baba - POTF2 [R/G] - Basic

Power Of The Force "2" [Red/Green], The

Ponda Baba - SW [S - P1] - Cantina Bar Section (1 of 3)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase I]

Ponda Baba - TBS [P3] - 3.75 Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Ponda Baba - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (ANH02)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Pons Limbic - TLC - Basic (BD 35)

Legacy Collection, The

Porgs - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures

Black Series [Phase III], The

Pote Snitkin - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Basic (Exclusive)

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Power Droid - Jumbo Vintage Kenner Figures

Jumbo Vintage Kenner Figures

Power Droid - SW - Basic

Star Wars

Power Droid - TSC - Basic (SAGA 014)

Saga Collection, The

Power Droid - TVC - Basic (VC167)

Vintage Collection, The

Pre Vizsla (The Clone Wars) - Maquettes


Pre Vizsla - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (TCW17)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Pre Vizsla - TCW [SOTDS] - Basic (CW08)

Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side], The

Pre Vizsla - TVC - Basic (VC299)

Vintage Collection, The

Pre-Cyborg Grievous - TAC - Basic (30 36)

30 (77-07)

Pre-Cyborg Grievous To General Grievous - SW [SOTDS] - Legacy Of The Dark Side

Star Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]

Prince Xizor - SOTE - Basic

Shadows Of The Empire

Prince Xizor Vs. Darth Vader - SOTE - Comic Packs

Shadows Of The Empire

Princess Leia (A New Hope) - Mini Busts

Mini Busts

Princess Leia (As Boushh) - Heroes Of The Rebellion - 1:6 Scale Figures

1:6 Scale Figures

Princess Leia (Bespin Escape) - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Princess Leia (Bespin Escape) - TVC - Basic (VC187)

Vintage Collection, The

Princess Leia (Bespin Outfit) - TVC - Basic (VC111)

Vintage Collection, The

Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise) - TSC - Basic (SAGA 001)

Saga Collection, The

Princess Leia (Ceremonial Gown) - POTF2 [FB/CT] - Portrait Edition (1 of 3)

Power Of The Force "2" [FlashBack/CommTech], The

Princess Leia (Endor) - R - Saga Legends (SL28)


Princess Leia (Endor) - TBS [ROTJ40] - Six Inch Figures

Black Series [Anniversary Collection], The

Princess Leia (Endor) - TVC - Basic (VC191)

Vintage Collection, The

Princess Leia (Ewok Village) - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (ROTJ09)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Princess Leia (In Boushh Disguise) & Han Solo (In Carbonite) - SW [S - P1] - 12 Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase I]

Princess Leia (In Boushh Disguise) - Mini Busts

Mini Busts

Princess Leia (In Boushh Disguise) - SW [SOTDS] - Saga Legends (SL07)

Star Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]

Princess Leia (In Boushh Disguise) - TAC - Saga Legends

30 (77-07)

Princess Leia (In Ceremonial Dress) - POTF2 [FB/CT] - Basic

Power Of The Force "2" [FlashBack/CommTech], The

Princess Leia (In Endor Gear) - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - New Millennium Minted Coin Collection

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia (In Hoth Gear) - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Action Collection (Exclusive)

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia (Sandstorm Outfit) - TVC - Basic (VC88)

Vintage Collection, The

Princess Leia (Slave Outfit) - TBS [P1] - Six Inch Figures (#05)

Black Series [Phase I], The

Princess Leia (Slave Outfit) - TVC - Basic (VC64)

Vintage Collection, The

Princess Leia (The Rebel) - GOA - Basic

Galaxy Of Adventures

Princess Leia (With Sail Barge Cannon) - POTJ - Deluxe

Power Of The Jedi

Princess Leia - EU - Basic

Expanded Universe

Princess Leia - HT - Movie Masterpiece Series

Movie Masterpiece Series

Princess Leia - LC - Basic (BD17)

Legacy Collection

Princess Leia - OTC - Basic (OTC #09)

Original Trilogy Collection, The

Princess Leia - OTC - Basic (OTC #18)

Original Trilogy Collection, The

Princess Leia - OTC - Basic (OTC #33)

Original Trilogy Collection, The

Princess Leia - POTF2 [FB/CT] - Action Collection

Power Of The Force "2" [FlashBack/CommTech], The

Princess Leia - POTF2 [FB/CT] - Basic

Power Of The Force "2" [FlashBack/CommTech], The

Princess Leia - POTF2 [R/G] - Collector Series

Power Of The Force "2" [Red/Green], The

Princess Leia - Premium Elite Series

Elite Series Premium Action Figures

Princess Leia - Premium Format Figures

Premium Format Figures

Princess Leia - ROTS - Collectible Figure And Cup

Revenge Of The Sith

Princess Leia - SW [S - P3] - Collectible Figure And Cup

Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]

Princess Leia - TLC - Basic (BD 41)

Legacy Collection, The

Princess Leia - Unleashed


Princess Leia And Han Solo - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Princess Leia Collection

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia And Luke Skywalker - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Princess Leia Collection

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia And R2-D2 - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Princess Leia Collection

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia And Wicket The Ewok - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Princess Leia Collection

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia On Speeder Bike (Endor Forest Chase) - SW [S - P2] - 12 Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase II]

Princess Leia Organa & R2-D2 (As Jabba’s Prisoners) - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Princess Leia Collection

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia Organa & R2-D2 - FOD - Figures & Friends

Forces Of Destiny

Princess Leia Organa & Wicket The Ewok (Endor Adventure) - FOD - Adventure Figures

Forces Of Destiny

Princess Leia Organa (As Jabba’s Prisoner) - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Basic

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia Organa (As Jabba’s Prisoner) - POTF2 [R/G] - Basic

Power Of The Force "2" [Red/Green], The

Princess Leia Organa (As Jabba’s Slave) (Star Wars Animated) - Maquettes


Princess Leia Organa (As Jabba’s Slave) - Mini Busts

Mini Busts

Princess Leia Organa (Boushh Disguise) - ROTJ - Basic

Return Of The Jedi

Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) - RC - Basic

Retro Collection

Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) - TBS [P2] - Basic (#17)

Black Series [Phase II], The

Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) - TBS [P2] - Six Inch Figures (#16)

Black Series [Phase II], The

Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) - TBSA - Six Inch Figures

Black Series Archive, The

Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) - TVC - Basic (VC134)

Vintage Collection, The

Princess Leia Organa (Boushh)/Boba Fett - TBS [P3] - Titanium Series Helmets (07)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Princess Leia Organa (Death Star Captive) - SW [S - P3] - Hall Of Fame

Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]

Princess Leia Organa (Endor) - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (ROTJ03)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Princess Leia Organa (Hoth) - Mini Busts

Mini Busts

Princess Leia Organa (Hoth) - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (75)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Princess Leia Organa (Hoth) - TBS [TESB40] - Six Inch Figures

Black Series [Anniversary Collection], The

Princess Leia Organa (Hoth) [Leia (Hoth Outfit)] - TVC - Basic (VC02)

Vintage Collection, The

Princess Leia Organa (Imperial Captive) - SW [S - P3] - Basic (’03 #26)

Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]

Princess Leia Organa (In Combat Poncho) - ROTJ - Basic

Return Of The Jedi

Princess Leia Organa (In Combat Poncho) - TSC - Vintage

Saga Collection, The

Princess Leia Organa (In Ewok Celebration Outfit) - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Basic

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia Organa (In Hoth Gear) - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Basic (Exclusive)

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia Organa (Mynock Hunt) - Mini Busts

Mini Busts

Princess Leia Organa (Yavin 4) - TBS [L50] - Six Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Anniversary Collection], The

Princess Leia Organa (Yavin 4) - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (ANH01)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Princess Leia Organa (Yavin) - TVC - Basic (VC150)

Vintage Collection, The

Princess Leia Organa - Jumbo Vintage Kenner Figures

Jumbo Vintage Kenner Figures

Princess Leia Organa - OTC - Vintage

Original Trilogy Collection, The

Princess Leia Organa - POTF2 [R/G] - Basic

Power Of The Force "2" [Red/Green], The

Princess Leia Organa - RC - Basic

Retro Collection

Princess Leia Organa - RO - Basic

Rogue One

Princess Leia Organa - Star Wars Toybox (7)

Star Wars Toybox

Princess Leia Organa - SW - Basic

Star Wars

Princess Leia Organa - SW [S] - Basic

Star Wars [Solo]

Princess Leia Organa - TBS [P3] - 3.75 Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Princess Leia Organa - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (30)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Princess Leia Organa - TBS [P3] - Titanium Series (04)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Princess Leia Organa - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (ANH08)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Princess Leia Organa - TBS [PP] - Six Inch Figures

Black Series [Publishing Program], The

Princess Leia Organa - TBS [SW40] - Six Inch Figures

Black Series [Anniversary Collection], The

Princess Leia Organa - TBSA - Six Inch Figures

Black Series Archive, The

Princess Leia Organa - TVC - Basic (VC316)

Vintage Collection, The

Princess Leia Organa As Boushh (Star Wars Animated) - Maquettes


Princess Leia Organa [All New Likeness] - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Basic

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Princess Leia Organa [TFA] - TBS [P3] - 3.75 Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Princess Leia [Hoth] - HT - Movie Masterpiece Series

Movie Masterpiece Series

Princess Leia/Darth Vader - TAC - Comic Packs (No. 09)

30 (77-07)

Princess Leia/Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disguise) - R - Mission Series (MS20)


Princess Leia/Tobbi Dala - TLC - Comic Packs (7)

Legacy Collection, The

Probe Droid - POTF2 [R/G] - Deluxe

Power Of The Force "2" [Red/Green], The

Professor Huyang - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (AH07)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Professor Huyang - TVC - Basic (VC311)

Vintage Collection, The

Protocol Droid (Holiday Edition) - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Prune Face - ROTJ - Basic

Return Of The Jedi

Purchase Of The Droids - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Cinema Scenes

Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection], The

Purge Stormtrooper - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase III], The

Purge Trooper (Holiday Edition) - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Purge Trooper (Phase II Armor) - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (OWK07)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

Pyke Soldier - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (TBOBF07)

Black Series [Phase IV], The

PZ-4CO - TFA - Build A Weapon (Forest)

Force Awakens, The

223 Review(s) found.

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