In an era filled with danger, deception and intrigue, Cassian Andor embarks on a path that will turn him into the rebel hero who will challenge the evil Galactic Empire.
Remember when female Star Wars characters were strong, sympathetic, wise, and renowned? Yeah, we did too, but that era is long gone. Sadly, all we get now are shells of these magnificent women, and all thanks point to Disney Star Wars. Thankfully, most of us grew up appreciating and adoring the vigilant Rebel hero, Mon Mothma, in Return Of The Jedi, with a bit of a more developed role in the deleted scenes of Revenge Of The Sith years later. And it makes her appearances in Disney Star Wars all the more palatable, even if the dreadful content creators want to attribute the character the worst of the worst in politics in THIS universe. Hasbro finally added the beloved Senator Mon Mothma into The Black Series 6-inch line. And although we’re likely going to assess the likeness somewhere around “above average,” it feels like parts of it missed the mark. Genevieve O’Reilly is a stunning woman, but the action figure isn’t nearly as gorgeous. And while we believe Gillian Anderson is equally beautiful, we feel that the shape of the head and the bob of the hair is more reminiscent of the character seen in The X-Files instead of Andor. But all is not lost here. Hasbro designed an INCREDIBLE costume for Senator Mon Mothma. They didn’t miss a detail, and the textures are luxurious. Don’t be too disappointed, but you won’t get much movement out of this action figure. The gown flows down to the figure’s lower legs, and although you can poke a portion of them from out of the sides, the more downward body movement of this figure is rendered useless. You do, however, get a nice amount of motion in the upper body, so that’s where you’ll have to focus on achieving the many personalities of this action figure. We discovered they offer more than just a few unique poses. You’ll have fun coming up with them too. Overall, we aren’t too critical of this action figure. It brings to the table what you’d expect, but Hasbro could have focused more energy on the head sculpt. Oh, and the figure comes in “woke” packaging. Thankfully, this empty virtue-signaling was as useless as the Ukrainian flag on a Facebook profile, and Hasbro lost money. So, they’re abandoning plastic-free packaging and getting back to basics!
Collector Notes
Senator Mon Mothma
Status: Senator Mon Mothma is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: TBD
Articulation Details: TBD
Accessory Count: None
Accessory Details: None
Date Stamp: N/A
Assortment Number: F5530/E8908
UPC: 5010994179328
Retail: $24.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.