Hasbro released the Mandalorian Super Commando (VC243), and Mandalorian Super Commando Captain (VC246) figures back to back and separated them by one wave. But The Black Series 6-inch collectors haven’t been as lucky. As of the releases of The Vintage Collection figures, the 6-inch line only has the captain. With multiple identical parts, it’s surprising that Hasbro hasn’t gone to town with these characters in a 6-inch scale. It’s nice when The Vintage Collection beats the competition, and it has recently been doing that frequently. Hasbro cleverly and proactively thought ahead on how to add both characters into the 3.75-inch format with few changes. And to convert a standard Super Commando to a Super Commando Captain, they needed to tool a new head sculpt and shoulder armor attachment. Oh, and then repaint the figure too. That said, the Mandalorian Super Commando Captain is a retool and repaint of 2022’s TVC Mandalorian Super Commando (VC243) figure. They added a new head sculpt complete with Zabrak horns, a new shoulder armor attachment with spikes, and then repainted the figure with its unique traits and color scheme. The final figure turned out well and is a lovely addition to The Vintage Collection.
The Clone Wars left an indelible mark on those who watched and enjoyed the series. Unfortunately, many characters that collectors want to see Hasbro produce get lost in the shuffle, especially characters from the later seasons. Hasbro is now doing its best to play catch-up with the long list of characters the brand avoided over the last decade, and perhaps making us wait so long is paying off for them. Hasbro is producing its best 3.75-inch action figures to date. Adding the Mandalorian Super Commando Captain, also known as a Mandalorian Traditionalist, to the lineup only reinforces how far the line has come. It also reassures collectors that they haven’t forgotten them regarding The Clone Wars. The Mandalorian Super Commando Captain, much like the Mandalorian Super Commando, is a streamlined action figure. It looks like an athletic character, is well-armored, and has a decent amount of accessories to make everyone happy. The jetpack is removable, and then Hasbro also included a blaster rifle and two blaster pistols, which fit into the molded holsters on the figure’s thighs. The weapons and the jetpack have simple paint jobs and look slightly unfinished, but Hasbro makes up for it more than expected with the paint operations applied to the action figure.
The Mandalorian Super Commando Captain has stunning deco. From the Darth Maul-esque design on the chest armor to the complementary tans and grays for the other parts of the figure, Hasbro thoughtfully planned out how this finished figure would look, exceeding our expectations. Whoever approves the final 3.75-inch action figures in this line should get promoted because they know what it takes to make quality products. The Mandalorian Super Commando Captain comes with the updated ball-socket hip joints, which work wonders when posing. These newer joints function incredibly better than the ball-jointed hips that were common up until this change. The rest of the figure has ball-jointed movement throughout, and the portrait comes with the barbell joint that creates two spheres of 360-degree movement for optimal positioning. The figure interacts with its weapons well, has excellent articulation, and looks beautiful, thanks to Hasbro’s outstanding design. Some collectors might be sad that there is no removable helmet here revealing the likeness of Gar Saxon or some other Mandalorian that might fit in the role of a captain. However, the on-screen character on which this figure is based is an unknown Mandalorian Super Commando Captain, so Hasbro did well here.
Collector Notes
Mandalorian Super Commando Captain
Status: Mandalorian Super Commando Captain is a retool and repaint of 2022's TVC Mandalorian Super Commando (VC243) figure. This time the figure has an all-new head sculpt and shoulder armor attachment. It has also been completely repainted.
Articulation Count: 26 points (15 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), reverse ball-socket neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), swivel torso (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" left ankle (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 4
Accessory Details: removable jetpack, 2 blaster pistols, blaster rifle
Date Stamp: N/A
Assortment Number: F5629/E7763
UPC: 5010993992195
Retail: $13.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.