A salvager who scours the oceans and islands of Castilon for crashed starships, Synara keeps much to herself.
It’s only begun, but the Star Wars [Resistance] line has the heart of The Clone Wars basic figure line and the style of the Rebels basic figure line. You could say it’s a hybrid of each. And the well-designed action figures are creating interest in the show, which should happen with all action figure lines. Synara San looks like a character where it is difficult to see where her loyalties lie. She looks like she has a dark side, yet she looks like an asset to the rest of the Resistance team. Time will tell if she goes down a path the rest of the characters cannot follow. Truthfully, there is probably just as much going for the Synara San action figure as there is against it. She looks like a hybrid of Darth Maul, Barriss Offee in addition to The Count from Sesame Street. The purple skin is a tad alarming, but there is enough contrast throughout the rest of her outfit that keeps the bright skin color in check. But you’ll likely be inclined to think that her appearance goes down Muppets territory more than Star Wars.
The figure itself is designed very nicely. She has a powerful “space pirate” vibe about her. She could easily fit in any collection as a bounty hunter, and details in her outfit reinforce that theme perfectly. For example, her helmet looks the product that would be if you bred Princess Leia Organa’s Boushh helmet with Lando Calrissian’s skiff guard helmet. It has the curvature and style of a skiff guard helmet with the details of Boushh’s helmet weaved into in here and there. The coloring is unique and possesses a style unto itself, but you can’t help but see the similarities of the previously established Original Trilogy gear worked into it as well. Hasbro painted Synara San beautifully. Again, you can see signs of “photorealistic” technology used to breathe life into the figure. It hasn’t been given a perfect paint job, but it looks rather fantastic regardless. With a functioning holster that's cast in the same off-white color as her boots, Synara San looks the part of an intergalactic vagabond looking to make her way throughout the galaxy.
Synara San comes lightly accessorized, but the extra parts may be all she needs. You know about the helmet. It fits nicely on her head, and you can see her eyes through its visor. She also comes with a small blaster pistol. It fits inside of the functioning holster and outfits her like a standard bounty hunter, especially when she is wearing the helmet. Synara San should appeal to most collectors still open to collecting action figures with only five points of articulation. She comes with the standard ball-socket head sculpt, swivel shoulders and swivel hips. We think Hasbro should make it the standard to add swivel wrists to all of their simply-articulated action figures, but it’s likely that they won’t upgrade their approach because everything has a cost in this day and age. Hopefully, Hasbro will be able to pump out a ton of characters into the Star Wars [Resistance] line. It’s the only way this line will thrive. Releasing a dozen figures isn’t going to cut it. But with how terrible distribution is, perhaps we should count our blessings that we get any figures from this multimedia event.
Collector Notes
Synara San
Status: Synara San is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 2
Accessory Details: removable helmet, blaster pistol
Date Stamp: N/A
Assortment Number: E5358/E5035
UPC: 630509771820
Retail: $7.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on