Prune Face might be the single-most obscure background alien Kenner produced for the RETURN OF THE JEDI line. In fact, he was so vague that for years collectors of all ages weren’t sure if he was part of Jabba’s palace or part of the Rebel Alliance who met up on the Home One. Thanks to more source material we know that Prune Face, properly known as Orrimaarko, is part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor to the Galactic Empire. Star Wars fans still debate whether the Dressellian is present in any of the scenes from RETURN OF THE JEDI while others confuse Prune Face for different characters of the same species clearly visible in these scenes. Kenner did a lovely job on the action figure. He comes with a soft-goods tan cloak and a brown blaster rifle with a skinny (and breakable strap). Prune Face pairs nicely with other characters wearing Endor outfits, but whether he was used during playtime by young Star Wars fans is unknown. I know he wasn’t my first choice as a toy. Hasbro updated Orrimaarko a couple of times in the modern, but nailed him perfectly in 2012’s THE VINTAGE COLLECTION. I would go so far to say that Hasbro will never make this character as an action figure ever again.
Hasbro's Most Definitive Modern Counterpart: 2012's THE VINTAGE COLLECTION Orrimaarko (Prune Face) (VC114) figure.
Name: Prune Face
Collection: Return Of The Jedi
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Release: 1984
Status: Prune Face is an all-new figure.
Assortment: No. 71320
Retail: $2.99 USD
Alternate Card Art Details:
• Prune Face
• Trilogo
• Character name pill and figure backer are red. |
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