Teebo - ROTJ - Basic

Added: November 21st 2018
Category: Return Of The Jedi
Reviewer: Paul Harrison


Detailed Visual Analysis


General Analysis

Some Ewoks had more screen time than others. Teebo is an Ewok that had “about average” screen time in RETURN OF THE JEDI. He threatened Han Solo and took away his blaster. And once C-3PO “persuaded” the Ewoks to free his friends, he got zapped in the butt with bolts of electricity courtesy of R2-D2. As an action figure, Teebo also ranked “about average.” I don’t recall him ranking as one of my most-favorite Kenner action figures, but I knew I was an Ewok fan and any new action figure of this species was a priority for my very young collection. Hasbro made some incredible strides, and then some not-so-incredible strides with modern versions of Teebo. The 2002 POWER OF THE JEDI Teebo is one of the best-looking action figures Hasbro ever produced, but the scale was off quite a bit. And then the latest Teebo action figure from 2012’s STAR WARS [THE PHANTOM MENACE 3D] Ewok Pack (and a Toys R Us exclusive) provided us with a super-articulated version of the character with both of his headdresses, but the likeness didn't meet expectations. Interestingly, the head sculpt Hasbro wanted to use (and as seen on the packaging) was disapproved by Lucasfilm and may never see the light of day. The Kenner Teebo is still a fun action figure, but I doubt he ranks high with most vintage Kenner Star Wars collectors.

Hasbro's Most Definitive Modern Counterpart: 2021's THE VINTAGE COLLECTION Teebo (VC207) figure.

Collector Notes

Name: Teebo

Collection: Return Of The Jedi

Source: Return Of The Jedi

Release: 1984

Status: Teebo is an all-new figure.

Assortment: No. 71310


Retail: $2.99 USD

Alternate Card Art Details:

• Teebo

• Trilogo

• Card art features a different color palette than the Kenner version.

• Character name pill and figure backer are lime green.

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Figure Release Information

Major Figure Variations (loose): None

U.S. Card Back Release Information (confirmed to exist)

  1. ROTJ-77A
  2. ROTJ-77B
  3. ROTJ-79A
  1. ROTJ-79B
  2. POTF-92

U.S. Card Back information derived from the Kellerman Book Matrices and confirmed samples

Research Droids Data Analysis

This review comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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