It’s a new era of The Vintage Collection, and with the new era comes an all-new vehicle to open up the vehicles sub-line. Hasbro reintroduces collector-friendly vehicles in the form of the Imperial Combat Assault Tank from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Generally speaking, collectors from across the board are eager to see this vehicle added to their collections. Rogue One includes an Original Trilogy-friendly storyline and the vehicles and characters from the film continue these themes and trends. Although we were only slightly surprised to see Hasbro dive in The Vintage Collection vehicles line with the Imperial Combat Assault Tank, we were all more concerned with seeing the quality of vehicle return to overwhelm us into falling in love with them again. The Imperial Combat Assault Tank is perhaps not without its share of issues, but we must admit that we’re proud of Hasbro for producing a high-quality vehicle that should meet 3.75” super-articulated collectors’ expectations for the first time in a very long while. The Imperial Combat Assault Tank has size, volume, intricate details, interactivity, surprises and functionality that has been sorely missing for years in Hasbro’s latest vehicles. Forgone are the gimmicks and in its place is beautiful art. And it is our hope you’re intrigued by what you see here. We’ll go over this vehicle with a fine-toothed comb.
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room first. The MSRP on the Imperial Combat Assault Tank borders on obscene. But this is the way things are now. Hasbro constructed this vehicle from a ton of parts (just recall the exploded version of this when they first announced this vehicle) which justifies its high price, but Hasbro should have stamped the box with a “wait for clearance” label on the outside of the box because that’s what collectors are going to do. It’s sad, and this behavior is a detriment to the line. So it will be interesting to see how well the Imperial Combat Assault Tank performs at retail. The Imperial Combat Assault Tank is decently-sized but isn’t in a completely accurate scale to the onscreen vehicle. We’re a bit disappointed by this. Because Hasbro tooled all of the many parts that make up this beautiful vehicle, why couldn’t they all be made a tad larger to be as close to scale as possible? A larger sized vehicle may have also softened the blow of the near $80 price tag too! It’s not the end of the world for us in all honesty that the vehicle is a little bit smaller than it should be, but it would have been nice to get a little more “size” here. On a lighter note, Hasbro used a high-quality plastic to tool the Imperial Combat Assault Tank. The plastic has some flexibility to it, but it’s also solid and weighty which gives the vehicle the mass it deserves.
The Imperial Combat Assault Tank has a stunning paint job. Some of the final applied deco appears a little too rushed (almost as if they quickly used a paintbrush to get the desired effect), but we believe that on the whole, collectors are going to be pleased with the deco on this vehicle. From the functioning treads to the storage compartments and cockpit, there is a ton of play value here for collectors and the detail worked into them will impress you. Imperial Combat Assault Tank carries storage containers which carefully stow Kyber crystals. Hasbro tooled one of the containers to include opening doors. And once you open the doors, ,three Kyber crystal canisters can be removed. What’s more, the canister can be opened up additionally and provide collectors with detail that we expect to see in collector-focused products like these. Hasbro did a great deal of work on the Imperial Combat Assault Tank to make it a wonderful vehicle for adult collectors. While kids will assuredly love this too, we know for certain that Hasbro wanted to make collectors happy with this release. Again, the MSRP is a bitter pill to swallow. But we feel that the Imperial Combat Assault Tank warrants the price tag. Look through our Photo Gallery and you will see why this is an important new addition to The Vintage Collection.
Collector Notes
Imperial Combat Assault Tank
Status: Imperial Combat Assault Tank is an all-new vehicle.
Features Count: 6
Feature Details: hidden storage compartments, working treads, Kyber crystal storage, rotating cannons, removable hatches, fits 3 figures
Accessory Count: 6
Accessory Details: Kyber crystal canisters (3), cases (3)
Date Stamp: N/A
Assortment Number: E0215
UPC: 630509671120
Retail: $79.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on