The notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett prepare to deliver the carbon-frozen Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt.
"He's no good to me dead."
The Black Series is here. And its brought with it an all-new scale. Hasbro developed this alternate series of action figures with, what they claim, the collector in mind. Controversial, anticipated and cautiously optimistic are words that best describe the line. To start things off, Hasbro released their first piece as a 2013 San Diego Comic Con exclusive. Star Wars collectors, please welcome Boba Fett And Han Solo In Carbonite, technically a two-pack yet not really. The set is gorgeous. Boba Fett and his bounty comes packaged together in a deluxe black box gift set. The Black Series logo is emblazoned on the box and instead of the typical “orange” accented color, Hasbro has utilized a greenish-yellow color (which may be used to separate the exclusive products from the mainline ones). When the figures are removed, you’ll hold in your hand an impressive sculpt and a glorious paint job. Hasbro surprisingly didn’t take many shortcuts at all with Boba Fett’s deco. The figure is astonishingly well done and our faith has been somewhat restored that Hasbro has plans to do great things in this brand new scale of action figures.
Boba Fett has an excellent sculpt. 20 points of articulation has been worked into the accelerated sculpt, most of which incorporate ball-jointed points of articulation. Extra joints like swivel hips and swivel biceps have been added for additional mobility, but the use of clever insert-molded ball-jointed points of articulation have been used the most giving Boba Fett a decent amount of movement. The sad thing is that some points of articulation are inhibited thanks to some overlooked costume parts thanks to poor engineering. For example, it’s difficult to make full use of Boba Fett’s ball-jointed hips because of the rigid design of the pouches that hang from his belt. Perhaps this won’t be an issue with every action figure in the 6” The Black Series line, but we do have concerns if problems are arising already. The ball-jointed ankles are especially incredible in helping Boba Fett achieve some incredible poses. They offer more give and take than the standard ball-jointed used by Hasbro and seem to mirror the flexibility of the articulation of the ankles of 2012’s SW [TPM 3D] Clone Commander Cody (CW7) for example.
One other tiny disappointment we have is that Boba Fett’s rangefinder isn’t removable or articulated. This is definitely a shame and doesn’t give the collector the extra diversity this figure needs. A figure of this scale should have every last bell and whistle that a 3.75” figure does and more, so we find it a setback that Hasbro didn’t go all out with every last fine detail to make Boba Fett as versatile as can be. The Han Solo In Carbonite accessory is stunning. It may just be a simple hollow box, but it’s an exact replica to the prop in The Empire Strikes Back. The detail is mind-blowing. While it’s a fantastic accessory, the way you can display it thanks to a well-designed display stand is the true winner here. It is so cleverly engineered that you can use it to display the carbonite block standing up or give it the “illusion” of floating. (See out photo gallery for visual explanation of this.) Collectors will eat this kind of stuff up. Boba Fett And Han Solo In Carbonite is a wonderful great way to start of the larger scale The Black Series line. It may not engage all collectors, but we have to say that Hasbro has the right pieces in place to have it become a complete success. We’re pleasantly surprised with this set. We hope that it has the power to interest and capture collectors.
Collector Notes
Boba Fett And Han Solo In Carbonite
Status: Boba Fett is an all-new figure. Han Solo In Carbonite is an all-new accessory.
Articulation Count: 22 points
Articulation Details: ball-jointed neck, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel gauntlets, 2 ball-jointed wrists, ball-jointed torso, 2 ball-jointed hips, 2 swivel thighs, 2 left hinge-jointed knees, 2 right hinge-joinged knees, 2 double ball-jointed ankles
Accessory Count: 7
Accessory Details: Han Solo in Carbonite, Blastech EE-3 blaster rifle, Sacros K-11 disintegrator pistol, Modified Z-6 jet pack, display base, 2 display base supports
Date Stamp: 2013
Assortment Number: A4915
UPC: 653569878650
Retail: $44.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on