Armed with a powerful blaster rifle and dressed in black armor designed to increase sensor-stealth, these stormtroopers loyally serve a mysterious agent of evil named Carnor Jax. Trained to fight without mercy for any opponent, these stormtroopers obey Jax's order to locate and eliminate an Imperial Guardsman named Kir Kanos.
Although the Blackhole Stormtrooper is one of the earliest Expanded Universe characters introduced, it wasn’t until 2006 that Hasbro decided to make an action figure based on this very unique Star Wars character. Granted, the EU source that they are basing the 2006 TSC Shadow Stormtrooper figure on is from a special group of Blackhole Stormtroopers under the leadership of Carnor Jax. Carnor Jax wasn’t around the time of the first published story Gambler’s World. So this particular Shadow Stormtrooper is technically sourced to Crimson Empire. It’s splitting hairs, but it’s good to be as exact as possible in this very detailed hobby. By 2006, Hasbro had enough great base sculpts to produce a “simple” repaint of a stormtrooper by making it all black. But to be completely accurate, the Shadow Stormtrooper is not just a straightforward repaint either. The date stamp has been relocated from the bottom of the foot to the inner thigh. This friends would classify this figure as a slight retool as well. Aren’t you glad how precise we are in these reviews? It’s alright. You don’t have to care. What you should care about is the sexiness and sleekiness of this awesome new figure.
Shadow Stormtrooper is super-articulated and is based on 2004’s VOTC Stormtrooper figure, but the figure really uses the 2006 TSC Sandtrooper (SAGA 037) figure as evidenced by the 2005 date stamp. That figure is excellent and possess true fondness and appreciation for it, but its lower body is very frustrating from a collector’s perspective. The legs are too close together and the torso joint is too high and doesn’t like to lock into place. Because of these setbacks, the figure isn’t one that you’re going to enjoy posing in any other configuration than at attention. An Imperial soldier should not be limited in this way. Why waste so mnay points of premium articulation on a figure like this when any meaningful movement is rendered hopeless? Without sounding dramatic, the figure does look good. We have been unable to understand for years why collectors just want super-articulation at any cost including whether the articulation is actually relevant. For example, the Shadow Stormtrooper would have majorly benefitted from ball-jointed hips and knees without any ankle articulation than two legs close together with swivel hips and ball-jointed knees and ankles.
A StarWarsShop.com exclusive, the Shadow Stormtrooper comes with silver plated action figure display stand, a highlight to make it appear like it’s part of the 2006 The Saga Collection Ultimate Galactic Hunt promotion. But the packaging comes without any embossed foil details. So we’ll leave it up to you whether this is a special “UGH” figure. What is special about it is that it’s a StarWarsShop.com exclusive. At $14.99, the price is essentially obscene, especially since we know that this will be a figure that many collectors will want to army build but can’t because of its extravagant MSRP. (Editor’s Note: The Shadow Stormtrooper became a Fans’ Choice winner in the 2008 TAC Saga Legends line. It even came with a black coin!) The Shadow Stormtrooper figure is a Star Wars character that is long overdue. There is definitely big fan interest in all things “Blackhole Stormtrooper” or “Shadow Stormtrooper” and you really have to admit that they look pretty cool. But hopefully Hasbro finds ways to make the articulation better and more practical. Again, super-articulation means nothing if you can’t believably pose your figure! Shadow Stormtrooper isn't the worst figure for this, but it certainly could be better!
Collector Notes
Shadow Stormtrooper
Status: Shadow Stormtrooper is a kit-bashed figure that utilizes the body of 2006's TSC Sandtrooper (SAGA 037) figure with the belt of 2004's VOTC Stormtrooper figure. This time the figure has also been repainted in black to recreate the soldiers seen in the Crimson Empire story.
Articulation Count: 23 points (14 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), ball-jointed torso (2), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 1
Accessory Details: blaster
Date Stamp: 2005
Assortment Number: 87140
UPC: 653569159995
Retail: $14.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on