Jedi Master Shaak Ti is an esteemed member of the Jedi Council and serves as a General in the Clone Wars. Like all Togruta, she has long head-tails called lekku that have protective pigmentation patterns.
We possess a very strong opinion that the omission of the scene where General Grievous kills Shaak Ti in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith is one of the biggest mistakes George Lucas ever made. Our opinion really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but it was the absolute perfect connecting dot to the series of events we witnessed in Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars micro-series. Volume 2 of the series brought us to the opening crawl of Episode III and Shaak Ti played a huge role ticking off General Grievous and his plethora of MagnaGuard droids in the Clone Wars. Grievous ultimately escaped with Chancellor Palpatine as we all know, but it made sense that Shaak Ti would eventually find a way to Grievous’ Invisible Hand and continue to fight for Palpatine’s safe release. And that's exactly where that deleted scene begins. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi also land on the Invisible Hand arriving from the Outer Rim also to rescue Chancellor Palpatine. As Anakin Skywalker finds Grievous he sees the Separatist leader holding Shaak Ti captive. Grievous then thrusts his lightsaber through the chest killing her. It was a very shocking scene and one that we would have loved to see make the final cut of the film.
Hasbro apparently didn’t know that the scenes involving Shaak Ti would be relegated to the cutting room floor. Not only was she one of the first two dozen 3.75” figures made for the Revenge Of The Sith line, she was also realized in the 12” figure line as well. (The 12” version of Shaak Ti was one of Hasbro’s finest figures in that scale. It’s a shame they canceled the line after Revenge Of The Sith.) The Hasbro action figure is very well done. It’s not perfect, but the use of soft-goods is flawless and Shaak Ti has an incredible paint job. Her face appears a little too bright, but it’s hard for us to say if her skin color is not entirely accurate because we believe it is. She just looks a tad redder in the various publicity photos in which she appears, yet the action figure is a little bit too fluorescent pink. Shaak Ti comes with some awesome accessories as well. Her lightsaber is two parts, the hilt and the blade and the hilt can plug into her belt and be worn as one of her accessories. Shaak Ti also comes with a data pad and had she made the final cut of Episode III, maybe we would have known the purpose of it. It can be held in her left hand with relative ease.
Shaak Ti comes with ten points of articulation. Included are premium ball-jointed articulation in the shoulders and the knees. And in an interesting move, only her right elbow and right forearm are swivel articulated. Her left arm (that holds the data pad) only comes with shoulder articulation and her arm is "L" shaped thanks to the bent elbow. Shaak Ti also has a swivel waist in addition to swivel hips. She really can’t be posed in too many action stances, but that isn’t really necessary since we now know her role in the film. She was just one of General Grievous’ victims. Then again, other collectors may wish to see this version of Shaak Ti as a realistic version of the character we saw in Volume 2 of Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars micro-series which would require much more mobility than this action figure offers. Because she had such a major role in the last couple of chapters, collectors want to see Hasbro complete realistic versions of all those characters so this action figure can serve that purpose as well. Whatever you decide, know that Shaak Ti is an excellent action figure. She’s quite a few steps up from the figure we received from the 2002 line and while not absolutely perfect, she should hold a firm place in the basic figure line as a fine attempt at this fan favorite Jedi.
Collector Notes
Shaak Ti
Status: Shaak Ti is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: 10 points
Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, right swivel elbow, right swivel forearm, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees
Accessory Count: 3
Accessory Details: lightsaber hilt, lightsaber blade, data pad
Date Stamp: 2005
Collection: 2
Assortment Number: 85290/85174
UPC: 076930852903
Retail: $5.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on