Obi-Wan Kenobi (BD 44) - Hasbro - The Legacy Collection (2009)
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Comic Books

File this under… “why?”

One year after the series finale of Obi-Wan Kenobi was released on Disney+ has revealed a brand new limited Marvel Comics Star Wars series: an adaptation of the Disney+ show Obi-Wan Kenobi. Written (adapted) by Jody Houser (who worked on various other Marvel Star Wars titles before) and pencilled by Salvador Larocca (who also worked on various other Marvel Star Wars comics before) Obi-Wan Kenobi will be released in September 2023.

Each of the six issues will adapt one episode of the show. Comic book adaptations of movies have a long tradition. I do wonder though why anyone felt Obi-Wan Kenobi needs a comic book adaptation. Released 15 months after the series ended. I believe this would have made more sense to get released in July 2022, a few weeks after the series ended. I remember reading comic book adaptations of movies based on older script versions or including material that was cut in the editing room, which made those adaptations an interesting read sometimes, because they expanded on what you had seen in theaters. I do wonder how much this adaptation will be different from the show or if it will add anything of substance.

Will you buy the comic series? Or at least the #1 issue?

Read the full announcement on, where you can also check out the variant covers, one of them featuring Reva and the Grand Inquisitor.

The main cover, there will be variants

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Dark Horse Comics Re-Enters The Star Wars Galaxy

It looks like Dark Horse Comics will be producing all-new stories in the form of Graphic Novels, ongoing series, and one-shots. Get the full details over at the official site.

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Marvel Comics Cancels The Rise Of Skywalker Comic

Comic book adaptations of Star Wars movies have a long tradition. But it seems The Rise of Skywalker may get no comic book adaptation from Marvel. Marvel has canceled the #1 issue of The Rise of Skywalker which was originally meant to be released in June, before the pandemic. There’s still a chance Marvel may release a trade paperback with all five planned issues later, but there is no official word about that yet. For now there will be no Marvel adaptation. IDW however are releasing their own comic book adaptation of The Rise of Skywalker, so the movie won’t be the only Star Wars movie without any comic book adaptation at all. But IDW sells a lot less comics than Marvel or DC and their release won’t be as high profile as a Marvel version.

Source: Star Wars Splash Page on Twitter.

Marvel The Rise of Skywalker Comic Book Cover


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Relaunched Doctor Aphra #1 Star Wars Comic Delayed

The comic book industry, like so many other industries, is suffering a lot at the moment. A few days ago the largest comics distributor in the US and UK, Diamond Comic, said they will stop distributing comics for the direct market (i.e. comic book shops) for the next few weeks. And with Diamond being the exclusive distributor for Marvel and DC Comics, that means pretty much all the big titles won’t see a print release in the next few weeks. Now the big question is if comics would still be released digitally. And both and Lucasfilm announced that the relaunched Doctor Aphra comic from Marvel would see a release as a digital exclusive on April 1st. But now a source at Marvel told comic news website “newsarama” that the info is inaccurate and that there will be no digital release for Doctor Aphra #1.  And apparently that source was correct, changed their preview article and now it says “coming soon”. Digital is only a fraction of the print market and selling the comic as a digital exclusive may not be the best option, especially for a relaunched #1 title. Also, comic book shops will need a lot of hot sellers once they reopen and selling comics as digital exclusives may put even more burden on them. And of course Marvel and DC love relaunches, because #1 releases usually sell a lot more than issues from long running series. And a printed comic would most likely make more money. The main Star Wars title was relaunched a while ago for that reason as well. So delaying the release of Aphra is probably the best option for both Marvel and comic book shops. But as a result of this comic book fans waiting for new Star Wars issues probably need to have a lot of patience in the next few weeks.

Marvel Dr Aphra #1

Marvel Dr Aphra #1


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What We Learned About Project Luminous and the High Republic

So there was an “event” of sorts with a bunch of the authors involved in Project Luminous tonight and with very little fanfare. has shared some of the details regarding the High Republic and the new books. There is also a little video that pretty much sums up what it’s all about so take a look. But very quickly and to the point, the Jedi of this period are “like the knights of the round table” and the threat is coming from the borders of the republic with the main threat known as the Nihil (pronounced Nile) who are like space Vikings. What do the Jedi fear most? Losing the light! To see the video, some concept art, and a few new book covers be sure to click through!

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Review: Marvel The Rise of Kylo Ren - Chapter One

Before you see The Rise of Skywalker I highly recommend you check out our review of Marvel The Rise of Kylo Ren. Want to know more about the Knights of Ren? Want to know WHAT a Ren is? Want to see what REALLY happened at Luke’s Jedi Temple? Or how about when Ben Solo met his new Master? Well, all this and more can be found in our review of issue #1. So far, this series looks like it will answer a lot of the questions the Sequel Trilogy has left out thus far. Be sure to leave your thoughts after you check it out and keep an eye out for our review of Marvel Star Wars: Empire: Ascendant coming soon! Click here to check out The Rise of Kylo Ren now!

Brian's Toys

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Here is the cover for issue #2 of the upcoming Marvel comic series, written by the amazing Charles Soule, The Rise of Kylo Ren. It will be a four-part mini-series covering the backstory of Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren. This cover might already answer some questions. We know the Knights existed prior to Kylo, and now we see one of them has a lightsaber. Does that mean they ARE the Acolytes of the Beyond from Aftermath? Is it the same girl, Kiza, that was consumed by the Dark Side presence in her mask and was given a red lightsaber by Yupe Tashu? I’m just saying, it’s looking more and more likely! Hopefully, we get these answers and more from this series which I will be doing a review of when released. You can also pre-order issue 1 from Marvel here. So tell us, what does this cover say to you? Either way, I’m always happy to see Luke wield the green! Click through to read the solicit for the series which actually reveals a bit more important info!

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The Future of Comic Packs

The Star Wars comic universe is getting quite expansive. I am a fan of the few series I’ve read, especially the Darth Vader comics with Doctor Aphra, and I am looking forward to the upcoming Galaxy’s Edge series. Even though there are so many comics, it seems unlikely that Hasbro will be pushing a new comic 2-pack line any time soon. That doesn’t mean that comic characters are out of the question, of course. What would be the best way to introduce these characters? Click through for more…

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Marvel's Shadow Of Vader Comic Cancelled

This will probably surprise no one. Marvel Comics has informed comic retailers that the “Shadow Of Vader” comic, which was supposed to be released early in 2019, has been cancelled. As you may remember, Chuck Wendig was originally hired to write the comic but was let go a few weeks ago by Marvel because of his behavior on Twitter. Wendig had already written three volumes, but Marvel will neither use the already written material nor will they hire someone else to finish the comic. Vader fans will have to wait for something new from Marvel. The Vader comics are relatively popular. The regular Darth Vader comic series is among the top 20 best selling Marvel titles, on par with the regular Star Wars comic. So the Dark Lord of the Sith will most certainly be featured in upcoming projects.

Darth Vader

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Marvel’s Star Wars #52 makes official what everyone pretty much suspected about the connection between the movie Rogue One and Rogue Group from The Empire Strikes Back (and eventually Rogue Squadron in the EU). Click through for io9’s deeper look at Star Wars #52. Minor spoilers apply if you are still waiting to read this issue. 

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Thrawn #1 Comic Exclusive Sneak Peek At!

Before he battled with the Ghost crew on Star Wars Rebels. Before he was Grand Admiral. He was just Thrawn. And we’ll soon see his story in comic-book form. has an exclusive sneak preview of the upcoming comic!

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Comic Review: The Chosen One (Part VI) - Darth Vader (2017)

It’s Back! After a brief hiatus, Comic Research Droids Review returns with this next entry in the Darth Vader series. Vader has just returned after his fight with Jedi Master Infil’a and bleeding his Kyber Crystal, but he is badly damaged.. Take a look at how Lord Vader pulls himself together, makes his first return to the Jedi Temple, and comes face-to-face with a new threat in Darth Vader- The Chosen One (Part VI). Don’t forget to drop me a line with your requests for future reviews! Coming up next is the Mace Windu miniseries.

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New Comic Trade Paperback Up For Pre-Order

Things From Another World has some of the newest Comic Trades up for pre-order. If you’re one who prefers the trades, they are great prices for these titles including Part One of the new Darth Vader Series (a MUST read), Journey To TLJ Captain Phasma, Rogue One, Screaming Citadel, Darth Maul- Son of Dathomir (new printing), and many, many more.  And if you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the RDR’s Comic Reviews!

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The Dark Lord of the Sith finally has a Jedi Lightsaber, but he’s about to find out that it’s not that easy to corrupt a Kyber Crystal in this next entry in the Comic Research Droids Reviews. Vader had just vanquished Master Infil’a and taken his Jedi weapon, but now he must corrupt the crystal within to claim it as his own. Take a look at how Lord Vader struggles with the conflict within himself and how Anakin Skywalker fights to break through the darkness in Darth Vader- The Chosen One (Part V). Don’t forget to drop me a line with your requests for future reviews! Coming up next is the Mace Windu miniseries.

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After a long wait, the latest Comic Research Droids Review is here (sorry for the delay!). We last saw the Lord of the Sith being thrown from the mountain in pieces. Come see how he pulls himself together so that he can continue his battle with Master Kirak Infil’a in Darth Vader- The Chosen One (Part IV). Don’t forget to drop me a line with your requests for future reviews! Coming up next is the Mace Windu miniseries.


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There will be a limited edition copy of a vintage inspired Mace Windu comic which is reserved to 3000 copies worldwide and goes on sale on Sunday 30th July 1PM ET/6PM GM. Click through for more!

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Marvel Star Wars Series Has A New Creative Team announced that Marvel’s flagship Star Wars series will be getting a new creative team beginning with issue #38 this fall. The writer/artist team behind the first Darth Vader series, Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larocca, will be taking over for Jason Aaron.  More on this after the jump.

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Comic Review: Book I (Part V) - Darth Maul - Issue 05

It has come to an end! The Darth Maul mini-series goes out with a clash, bang, and a sizzle. I found this to be a fitting end to this mini-series that gave us a deeper look into the character that we all love. See what I thought made this final issue one not to miss with the Darth Maul – Book I (Part V) Review. If you haven’t yet,be sure to stop by the Research Droids Reviews Comics section and leave your thoughts in previous reviews. Is there a comic series you want to see reviewed? Then drop me a line with your comic review requests!


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If you’re a fan of the new Darth Vader series like me, then you have been patiently waiting to see the showdown with the Jedi Kirak Infil’a! Did the waiting pay off? Was the battle everything it should’ve been? Find out now in the latest RDR Comics review of Darth Vader: The Chosen One (Part III) and share your thoughts and opinions. If you haven’t yet, stop by the Research Droids Reviews Comics and leave your thoughts in previous reviews. Is there a comic series you want to see reviewed? Then drop me a line with your comic review requests!


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IDW's SDCC Star Wars Adventures 'Ashcan' Comic Preview

We previously reported on the IDW comic series coming this September that will span across the entire saga, but now has given us a preview of the upcoming issue being released at SDCC this year. This series will be an all-ages comic, which is why I think this was given to IDW publishing as opposed to Marvel. It seems to have a Forces Of Destiny feel to it with regards to the artistic style. Check out the story and download the preview here!

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Comic Review: Book I (Part IV) - Darth Maul - Issue 04

We’re one issue away from seeing the finale of this mini-series play out, but meanwhile this was an epic issue. The co-operation between Maul and Eldra plays out so well, but you can feel the tension as it builds between them. Make sure you check out this latest addition in the Research Droids Reviews Comics section with Darth Maul #4. Come and see why you should be excited for the final showdown. Be sure to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments and don’t forget to drop me a line with your comic review requests!


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Comic Review: Book I (Part III) - Darth Maul - Issue 03

When we last left Maul, he had just found the Padawan after sneaking around the auction.What is Darth Maul going to do now that he has come face to face with his enemy? And how will he make it out of the auction filed with dangerous gangs and criminal syndicates. Join us as we continue this amazing series with Darth Maul #3. Don’t forget to catch up with our other reviews in the Research Droids Reviews Comics section. Be sure to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments and don’t forget to drop me a line with your comic review requests!

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Comic Review: Book I (Part II) - Darth Maul - Issue 02

Darth Maul had just learned about an auction on an item that he can’t resist. Now, he just needs to find out where it is and how to get in. Check out who Maul enlists to assist his efforts in Darth Maul #2! If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the other Research Droids Reviews Comics section and don’t forget to drop me a line with your comic review requests. Your requests will decide what series I do next!


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Comic Review: Book I (Part I) - Darth Maul - Issue 01

Darth Maul was one of Star Wars biggest one hit wonders when his time in Episode I was cut short by a young Obi-Wan and after losing him for good recently in Rebels, but it’s nice to know there’s still more to tell! I’m playing catch up with the newer Marvel series for the new Research Droids Reviews Comics section, so today I bring you Darth Maul #1. Come and see why I can’t get enough Maul with the latest review. Be sure to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments and don’t forget to drop me a line with your comic review requests!

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Comic Review: Annual - Poe Dameron (2017) - Issue 1

There are apparently a lot of Poe Dameron fans out there and LucasFilm and Marvel felt there was enough there to warrant his own comic series. The series may have a lot of readers, but it isn’t one of my favorites and this one-off Annual didn’t make it much better. That being said, this issue did add a bit of depth to the character we see on screen in The Force Awakens. Check out what I thought about this Annual issue and be sure to check out the other comic Research Droids Reviews. While you’re there, be sure to share your thoughts in the comments. If there is a series you think I should review, be sure to drop me a line and let me know!

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