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The Luminate Streaming Charts For The Acolyte - Week 6

This week you’ll get yet another pretty short article. Because The Acolyte failed to make the top ten original series Luminate streaming charts for a second week in a row, this time with episode 7, that other flashback episode. Last time the series was on the Luminate charts it had around 220 million viewing minutes, by far the lowest figure for any Star Wars live action series ever – if the numbers will be reflected on the Nielsen charts in a few weeks from now we will know for sure. But week 2 figures agreed very well between the two charts. So it is not unreasonable to assume that we may see very similar trends in upcoming Nielsen streaming charts. Click through for a few comments about this embarrassing performance on the Luminate charts.

No wonder hardly anyone is watching this

The Acolyte must have less than 299.2 million minutes, chances are though it may even be less than 200 million minutes, as it stands to reason that the show may have lost even more viewers with each episode, and episode 5 had a paltry 220 million. Episode 7 was the other flashback episode, with a homesick padawan and witches who commit suicide by Jedi.

While Andor dropped out of the Nielsen streaming charts once The Acolyte now is the first Star Wars series to not appear for a second time.

Forbes magazine, while its reviewer is one of those journalists who really like The Acolyte, admitted in a recent article that prospects for a season 2 are pretty grim, because the ratings are lousy. Some journalists still live somewhat in the real world at least, unlike the people at Screenrant who had the audacity to claim a while ago how The Acolyte is the second most successful Star Wars series ever… and failed to point out that they used data from some unknown company that tracks “engagement”, i.e. how much people talk about a show. And sure, people talk about The Acolyte a lot. Because it’s so bad.
I just mention this because certain media outlets keep asking Headland about her plans for a season 2. To the point some fans now believe season 2 is actually an option. Headland’s reply was there are “conversations” about it with LFL. But make no mistake these are the exact same conversations Rian Johnson had with them about his illusory trilogy. I.e. Lucasfilm told Headland “no”. With ratings such as these and with the price tag attached only a clinically insane person would greenlight a second season. Before anyone asks: Andor had a 24 episode deal before a single second of footage was even shot. Which is why we’ll get two seasons despite the bad season 1 numbers. The Acolyte has no such deal.

Anyway, only one more episode to go. Luminate will update their charts next week with the season finale. Chances are it will not make the top 10 yet again.

The Acolyte is a colossal flop for Star Wars on Disney+. And of course there will be no consequences, Kennedy can bury Willow, Indiana Jones and now Star Wars…. and she’ll still announce new things when she’s probably 80 or so (she’s 70 now). One of the universe’s big unsolved mysteries: how someone with this impressive number of mega flops has still a job.

The positive takeaway is that The Acolyte may only cause limited harm, because hardly anyone is watching it and won’t see how Headland tries and fails at deconstructing the Jedi, because if the seventh episode was her attempt at making them look shady or in the wrong she failed completely. She only managed to portray the witches as unhinged psychopaths. That we are supposed to feel sympathy for them and the sith in this show and that Headland completely fails at that is telling.

Love Island USA on Peacock is the #1 streaming show. You may wonder “what? huh? never heard of it!” and yes, that this with 919.1 million minutes is now stomping Star Wars into the ground is another of Kathleen Kennedy’s achievements (this is some kind of dating show, so not even a scripted format but reality tv). Please remember that The Mandalorian, even the somewhat problematic season 3, entirely crushed the competition and was one of the most watched streaming shows of the year even. But then Ahsoka basically halved that audience. And now The Acolyte is probably halving even that, down to 25% of what Star Wars on Disney could have. Maybe even less.

Kennedy’s contract is up for renewal in October. Let’s wait for the news she received yet another extension. Do not hope she’ll be let go or made to gracefully retire.


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