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The Lando Series Is Now A Movie

You may have faint memories of Kathleen Kennedy announcing a Lando series several years ago (it was the event at which she also claimed the Kenobi series has been fully written, before the writer was fired and they rewrote the entire show from scratch). Then we heard literally nothing for ages…  and people were wondering if the series was just cancelled without ever acknowledging it. Then the person supposed to write the series gave an interview not too long ago and complained about how he had not heard from Lucasfilm in over a year and he wondered if he’s too gay or black for Lucasfilm (it’s the guy who wrote and directed the massive Haunted Mansion remake flop, so Lucasfilm ignoring him may have other reasons). Probably to spite him after these inane comments Lucasfilm announced literally on the next day or so that Lando has a new writing team: Donald Glover, who played Lando in Solo, and his brother Stephen.

And now Stephen said in a podcast yesterday that Lando is no longer intended to be a show, but a movie… and Variety later ran their own story with official confirmation from Lucasfilm –  to which I can only say… REALLY NOW? Click through for more!

The idea of a Lando series was sketchy at best to begin with, who really wants to see a Lando show? Other than the usual hardcore fans. But to give Lando his own spin off movie, based on a movie (Solo) that was THE worst performing Star Wars movie at the box office just leaves you dumbfounded. Yes, Lando is reasonably popular, but let’s be honest, he’s not even remotely on the same level as Luke, Han or Leia (or Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi) and he was, if we are honest once more, the sidekick. Not the leading man and he never will be.

Now I am not saying a Lando series or movie will be bad, it has every chance to be entertaining if Lando is portrayed as a loveable scoundrel, so basically Han Solo 2.0. Glover’s performance as Lando was generally praised by people. But Lucasfilm will have a rude awakening if they feel Lando can carry his own movie and that fans will flock to theaters in masses to see the movie. Unless of course Lando will be a “made for Disney+ movie”, which, while still a massive waste of money and resources, would at least limit the potential losses if the movie is made on a cheaper budget.

Or, more likely perhaps, all this talk of “Lando is now a movie” is just Lucasfilm and the Glover brothers pitching and exploring ideas and there is every chance the entire project will be silently cancelled and will never be heard from again eventually. Basically receiving the Rian Johnson movie trilogy treatment.

But if Lucasfilm really goes ahead with a Lando movie they will repeat history and find that their second attempt at a Star Wars movie series will flatline just like the first try did. Not only will they double down (maybe, if not cancelled) on a sequel to the sequels, with the Rey movie… now they will also – once more – do a “Star Wars Story” type movie based on a character few people really want to see as the leading man in a movie. And they will also, according to their current release schedule, release two Star Wars movies in quick succession within a few months of each other – and this after saying they will no longer do both of these things after the disastrous Solo box office performance! Have they learned nothing? Iger talked about an alleged Star Wars movie fatigue back then and then they do the exact same thing all over again? I am tempted to quote Einstein’s definition of insanity.

Alden Ehrenreich as a recast Han Solo, only one of the big three original trilogy (four if you count Vader who had very little screentime though) Star Wars characters, could not carry his own movie about his early days as a scoundrel, but they expect Donald Glover as Lando to pull it off? When all he is… is yet another scoundrel, so all he ever does are Han Solo things? And we had that movie already. And few people wanted to see it. But second try is the charm?

Also, a Lando movie would once more be just a reactionary navel-gazing nostalgic re-imagining of the original trilogy time period. What Star Wars, in my opinion, really needs is innovation and new things. A fresh start without any baggage from either the original trilogy, prequels or sequels. A Lando movie or show is anything but. Star Wars must move forward, not reminisce all the time and bait you with nostalgia. But this is just my personal opinion.

So, would you want to see a Lando movie with Donald Glover? Do you think it would crash and burn just like Solo did? Or do you believe we will never get a Lando movie or show anyway so the entire discussion is moot and this Lando movie will be filed under  “never heard from again” like so many other Lucasfilm Star Wars projects?

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