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The Most Valuable Black Series Figures

The Black Series has its 10th anniversary in 2023, so the perfect opportunity to look at aftermarket ebay prices and to see which Black Series figures are the most valuable right now. In the past decade a couple hundred figures have been released in the line. Which ones are the winners and losers? While I think that modern mass produced action figures are not meant to be high value collectibles that will buy you a small island in the Caribbean once you retire, certain figures are of course sought after and will rise in value.  So click through to find out which Black Series figures might at least buy you a nice meal at a fancy restaurant, but sadly, no island in the Caribbean, for that you’d need quite a few vinyl cape Jawas.

She may not look like much, but she’s valuable

All the infos about ebay prices come from Actionfigure411, which is a site that tracks each and every Black Series or The Vintage Collection item sold on ebay and has detailed statistics about sales history and current prices on ebay.

The way I will do it is that I will not just provide one overall top 10 list, I will provide a top 5 or 10 list for each of the different iterations of the Black Series, i.e. orange box, blue box, galaxy box, exclusives, deluxe etc.  So I am trying to provide a comprehensive overview instead of just listing the top 10 figures overall.

Ok, let’s begin with the orange line that started it all in 2013! A decade ago! Time flies… What are the most valuable figures right now? I will provide the average price, based on the last few auctions on ebay!

Orange Line

  1. Anakin Skywalker (yes, that pre photoreal giraffe neck figure) – $106.33
  2. Princess Leia (Slave Outfit) – $79.85
  3. R2-D2 – $64.02
  4. Boba Fett – $49
  5. Sandtrooper – $44.03

One thing that is of note here is how former pegwarmers that retail had to sell at steep discounts can become quite valuable or at least increase price by a lot as time passes. I bought R2-D2 for cheap here where I live, because no one wanted him, they had truck loads of R2-D2 figures here at retail. And even though he has been rereleased a few times the original orange box R2 has become quite valuable, even though it is objectively a terrible figure, so much so that Hasbro finally decided to release a proper R2, it will be interesting to see if the price of the first R2 will go down… but then you look at Anakin, who got a photoreal Archive line rerelease, and the original figure is actually, right now, the most expensive orange box figure.

In fact, all of the orange box figures sell for more than MSRP on ebay, even massive pegwarmers like Han Solo go for a little more than original MSRP (which was $19.99 back then). But of course after a decade even once mass produced figures become rarer and rarer as figures mint in the box, or at least in the box, even if opened.


Blue Line

  1. Bossk – $49.98
  2. Jedi Knight Luke – $38
  3. IG-88 – $37.20
  4. Clone Trooper Captain – $35.03
  5. Sandtrooper Corporal – $33.24

It is interesting to see how the blue line is overall less valuable than the orange line. Again, it may also be surprising how objectively terrible figures, like Jedi Luke, are a lot more expensive now on the aftermarket, even though Hasbro has released somewhat better versions since then.

A few figures have declined in value below MSRP since release, like Emperor Palpatine or Chewbacca. A few figures have had no listings at all in recent times like Stormtrooper Disguise Luke and Clone Commander Cody. Which means there is little supply… if you look at previous sales statistics for Cody then he went for quite some money on ebay, usually above $50, in 2020 he even went for almost $150 on ebay. So technically speaking Cody is probably the most valuable blue line figure.


Red Box

  1. The Mandalorian (First Edition) – $126.25
  2. 0-0-0 – $93.62
  3. Clone Captain Rex – $89.79
  4. Chopper – $72.12
  5. Cara Dune – $70.76
  6. Qui-Gon Jinn – $58.28
  7. Doctor Aphra – $53.73
  8. Cal Kestis (First Edition) – $53.73
  9. BT-1 – $51.71
  10. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Padawan) – $50.94

It is interesting maybe and perhaps surprising to some that Doctor Aphra and her two droids are all among the top 10 most valuable red box figures. Triple Zero goes for even close to $100. That packaging gimmicks can work show The Mandalorian and Cal Kestis figures that came in the white box.

What is of note here is that there is not a single Original Trilogy figure among the top 10 most valuable red box figures, only Disney era or prequel figures. The first Original Trilogy figure can be found in 25th place, it is pre photoreal Obi-Wan Kenobi (A New Hope), who currently goes for $31.77 on average on ebay.

Also of note is that you do not find any sequel figures among the most wanted and valuable figures. But that should surprise few people. The first sequel figure you find is Supreme Leader Kylo Ren in the white box first edition, in 20th place for $33.53. The first regular sequels figure is Asty the X-Wing Pilot in 28th place for $27.55, but only four of him were sold on ebay recently.

The top 5 least valuable red box figures are:

  1. Zorii Bliss – $8.28
  2. Captain Cassian Andor – $8.50
  3. Han Solo (The Force Awakens) – $9.88
  4. Sergeant Jyn Erso – $9.97
  5. Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony) – $10.10

There are currently no listings for Holdo and Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, if Kylo is available he usually goes for above MSRP, more than $30 usually. Holdo went for approx. $13 on ebay since day 1 with few exceptions.

Overall, roughly half of all the red box figures can be bought for below MSRP on ebay. You have to remember that productions runs, especially for actual The Force Awakens figures, were relatively high.

TFA Rey goes for about $16 in case you want to know. Which is somewhat more expensive than the much better looking Island Journey Rey with photoreal face. Finn goes for a little less than $13. Which is even cheaper than Zuvio. Somewhat surprising may be that bounty hunter Dengar can be had for cheap as well, his average price is $12.66. So being an Original Trilogy Character does not protect you from a complete lack of demand, Yavin Ceremony Luke is also another OT figure that lost a lot of value since release.

Generally speaking the most valuable red box figures are all from the current Disney era, comics, Disney+ series and the prequels. NOT the Original Trilogy. Food for thought maybe.


Galaxy Box

On to the current box design, the pfp boxes are still part of the galaxy box design, so no extra category for them! I have omitted imports from Asia here for example upcoming Kenobi figures like Duel’s End Vader, since I feel it’s not a fair comparison. Or figures that only sold 1-3 copies, because they are imports and not yet generally available in the US or Europe. Generally speaking an ongoing line will always have listings for imports from Asia that can go for quite some money.

  1. Hunter – $80.70
  2. Chopper – $80.49
  3. Speeder Bike Scout Trooper and Grogu – $78.07 (however MSRP was already $49.99, so not as much of an increase as a regular figure)
  4. Crosshair – $75.65
  5. Hera Syndulla (photoreal rerelease) – $72.52
  6. Sabine Wren (photoreal rerelease) – $60.81
  7. Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars) – $53.50
  8. RC-1138 (BOSS) – $50.49
  9. Shoretrooper (Carbonized) – $50
  10. Nalan Cheele – $47.88

It may surprise a few that Bad Batch figures are among the most valuable figures from the current iteration of the line. Rebels figures are also pretty sought after, proving again that Rebels is probably more well liked and popular than some Original Trilogy purists think. In fact, Nalan Cheele is the only Original Trilogy figure you can find in the top 10 here. Chopper is in demand no matter the box he comes in, both the red box and galaxy box versions go for quite a bit more than MSRP.

The top 5 least valuable galaxy box figures are:

  1. Jyn Erso (photoreal) – $6
  2. Princess Leia (Ewok Village) – $7.52
  3. General Lando Calrissian – $8.98
  4. Greef Karga – $10
  5. Ponda Baba – $10.22

Poor Jyn really is not popular, at least her action figure. It’s funny that her photoreal figure can be had for less money than the overproduced original Jyn figure from the pre photoreal era, when she was repacked to death.

It is a bit surprising to find Ewok Village Leia here… but maybe most collectors don’t care too much for her in her “civilian” outfit. The current box design, like the red box design, shows how the most valuable, sought after figures are mostly from the Disney era and current entertainment and not from the Original Trilogy. Five OT figures have risen in value, thirteen go for below MSRP on ebay though.

About half of the currently available galaxy box design figures have risen in value on ebay since release.

The fake deluxe figures have mosty declined in value, only four sets go for more money now, Nalan Cheele, Din Djarin & The Child, The Armorer (not one of the regular deluxe items really), Cal Kestis. All other “deluxe” figures can be bought for much cheaper now. The loser here is Jar Jar Binks who you can get for $13.99 on average. But other things like the Boba Fett figure or Cobb Vanth also declined in value. Which probably proves how MSRP for these figures is not really supported by fans.


40th Anniversary Line

On to the 40th anniversary figures that come on Kenner inspired cardbacks!

  1. Boba Fett (Kenner Design) – $163.47
  2. Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot (tinfoil cardback) – $120.93
  3. Darth Vader (ROTJ) — $48.99
  4. R2-D2 – $46.14
  5. Imperial Snowtrooper – $39

About 60% of the anniversary figures have increased in value on ebay. The other figures however declined in value, so a fancy Kenner cardback does not guarantee high aftermarket prices. Among the cheapest 40th anniversary figures you can find the Death Squad Commander, Dagobah Luke or Endor Leia.



Who doesn’t love them… exclusive sets! Here I do not look at average prices, but increases from original MSRP, since some exclusives did have higher prices to begin with! Some entries in the top 10 may surprise you perhaps!

  1. Walmart Mexico 4-pack (Han Solo, Princess Leia (Slave Outfit), Boba Fett, Greedo) – $449.99
  2. Boba Fett & Han in Carbonite – $190
  3. Grand Admiral Thrawn – $160.49
  4. Imperial Shadow Squadron – $156.83
  5. Captain Rex – $117.38
  6. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Padawan, tinfoil card) – $113.33
  7. Jabba The Hutt – $150
  8. Emperor Palpatine with Throne – $117.20
  9. Clone Commander Obi-Wan Kenobi – $75.97
  10. Cantina Showdown (Han Solo & Greedo) – $94.71

It is quite interesting how sets that were ridiculed at the time are among the top 10 most valuable exclusive sets with the highest price increase since release. Both the Walmart Mexico and Toys’R’Us Cantina Showdown set were considered oddities when most of the figures in those sets were pegwarmers in the regular line and even received a bit of ridicule back then. But if you got a Cantina Showdown set back then and have it still in the box you can earn almost $100 on ebay now. Original MSRP was $39.99.

Also surprising may be that sets that had ample supply, like the Amazon exclusive Palpatine with Throne set now go for almost $120 on ebay!

However, being an exclusive doesn’t mean the set or figure will always rise in value, in fact roughly 40% of the exclusive sets have declined in value, various others haven’t had any listings in the recent past.

The biggest losers are:

  1. Rey and Kylo Ren Centerpiece – $65 (-$44.99)
  2. Entertainment Earth 4-pack (with Crimson Stormtrooper etc) – $62.50 (-$37.49)
  3. Han Solo and Princess Leia on Hoth – $25 (-$34.99)
  4. Admiral Ackbar and First Order Officer – $13.42 (-$26.57)
  5. Poe Dameron and Riot Control Stormtrooper – $15 (-$24.99)

All in all exclusive figures are a mixed bag. Even convention exclusives are not guaranteed to rise in value, as you can see with the Han Solo & Leia Hoth set, which was a European convention exclusive at the time.

Overall the exclusives, like all other Black Series lines, are not really a good investment if you think you can make big bucks on the aftermarket eventually, only few sets rose in value by a lot, most just gained or lost a couple of dollars since release.

Of course things may look very different in ten or twenty years from now.



Here I mean the actual deluxe sets that also include the vehicles! Since this list will include figures or vehicles that had a pretty high MSRP I once again will rank the sets based on average increase in value, not average price!

  1. Han Solo and Tauntaun – $89.18
  2. Luke Skywalker & Wampa – $86.33
  3. Snowspeeder – $150.85 (MSRP was $119)
  4. Sandtrooper & Dewback – $87.21
  5. Jabba The Hutt  – $63.99

Biggest losers:

  1. Luke Skywalker Centerpiece – $7 (-$42.99)
  2. Scavenger Rey & Speeder – $28.50 (-31.49)
  3. TIE Fighter – $140 (-$29.99)
  4. Enfys Nest & Swoop Bike – $30.66 (-29.33)
  5. Rey Centerpiece – $21.41 (-$28.58)

A little less than half of the deluxe/vehicle/centerpiece sets have increased in value since release. But only six had somewhat substantial increases of more than $20. Eight of the sets only differ by less than +/-$6 from original MSRP. Among the losers you find a lof of the Centerpiece sets, Hasbro discontinued this line for a reason.

It is noteworthy how the TIE Fighter stores couldn’t almost give away for free at one time has recovered much of its original value and is now $140. Chances are this set may become eventually more expensive again as time passes by and fewer and fewer mint TIEs are available.

Sets that include figures that would be considered pretty terrible by modern standards are the most expensive ones, Han and Tauntaun was criticized for the cheap, hollow, barely painted Tauntaun. Luke in the Wampa set looked pretty bad and Jabba was a barebones release that came with exactly zero accessories. The Speeder Bike is in 6th place, and all of these original deluxe sets once used to be shelf warmers at retail. One reason why the line was retired originally. But years later and people who didn’t collect the Black Series back then and want a 6 in scale Tauntaun in 2023 now pay a premium.


What else… there are more sublines, a few quick words about them. The Comic Book line has declined in value across the board, indicating that MSRP is probably not supported and demand not as high. In fact, I got my Comic Book Leia figure at a discount from Amazon Germany even, the only reason I bought this otherwise really nice figure. I never ever would have pulled the trigger if she had the original price. Only Boba Fett in disguise and very recent Mara Jade are more expensive than MSRP, Mara barely so and she’s still new. The cheapest Comic Book figure is Space Bunny Jaxxon, which can be bought for less than $11 and only had one auction in recent times to begin with. Darth Nihilus is by far the most expensive Gaming Greats figure at almost $70, but most other figures are hovering around MSRP or go for quite a bit cheaper.

Carbonized figures also can’t really hold their value only three of the eleven figures have risen in value. The Shoretrooper, Second Sister Inquisitor (from Fallen Order) and the Sith Trooper. Everything else can be bought for below MSRP on ebay. Biggest loser here is, maybe surprisingly, Boba Fett. Galaxy’s Edge sets go for roughly MSRP on ebay with only some exceptions. By far the biggest loser here is the set with Rey, which is $37.99 cheaper than MSRP. Only four Holiday figures have risen in value. Everything else has declined. The Stormtrooper and Range Trooper set you back the most, they go for about $10 more now.

All in all Black Series figures are not THAT valuable, some are expensive, yes, but not valuable. Of course $80 for a Hunter figure is a lot, but nothing that will buy you diamond rings, houses in Malibu Beach or Caribbean islands. It is unlikely any of the modern era figures will reach the heights of the original Kenner figures. Of course no one knows what things will be like in five decades from now. Maybe the TIE Fighter, if mint in a box, will demand a small fortune by then. But I doubt it.

One takeaway here is that figures based on current Disney entertainment, comics, the prequels and The Clone Wars are usually the most highly sought after figures with the highest prices on ebay. Not the Original Trilogy figures. Maybe an indicator that many Black Series collectors belong mostly to the prequel generation while the original trilogy generation clings to The Vintage Collection, but this is just speculation on my part. Also noteworthy is how virtually none of the sequels figures are in any demand really. Testament to a failed movie trilogy probably.

What do you think?

Also, at times there is no rhyme or reason… why is R2 so expensive? Why would anyone want that terrible original Anakin figure? Why are Hunter or Crosshair relatively expensive when Tech goes for below MRSP on ebay? And he is probably the most interesting looking figure of the bunch?

So, what is your takeaway here? Were you surprised by any of the entries on the lists? Does is surprise you how current era figures are usually the most expensive figures in each of the lines (other than the early orange and blue lines)?



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