The Hasbro Pulse Con Star Wars panel had several goodies for Black Series fans. One major focus was Andor and we get a few surprising, but very welcome figures from the show in The Black Series! Another focus was the upcoming 2023 40th anniversary Return of the Jedi line and finally, the Black Series pipeline reveals offer one or two surprises as well, that will probably be welcomed by collectors! So click through for all the details!

Finally in the Black Series line-up: Mon Mothma
Four figures were revealed for the ongoing Andor series!
- Cassian Andor – this figure is of course a repack of the previously revealed Pulse Con exclusive 2-pack
- Mon Mothma – for the first time ever The Black Series gets a Mon Mothma figure. Long overdue. The figure looks stunning with the very elegant dress. Articulation will be limited of course, but the aesthetics are what matter here,
- Bix Caleen – I would not have thought that Hasbro would actually make a Bix figure, but while maybe not everyone may be excited about her, I very much am
- Luthen Rael – another great addition to the Black Series

Bix Caleen – certainly a surprise, but I think a very welcome one

Bix comes with a datapad

Luthen is a very compelling character in Andor, now you can add him to your collection

Luthen’s knife can be removed from its sheath

All the figures will come in Hasbro’s new plastic-free packaging
All the Andor figures will be available in summer of 2023. Pre-orders go live later today at 6 pm ET. These are all general release figures as well, actually, not a single exclusive was revealed today!
The Mandalorian gets one new figure!
- Axe Woves – he was a pipeline reveal, so his figure is not a complete surprise. The figure will have newly tooled belt, torso and head
The figure will be available in spring 2023, pre-orders once more open up 6 pm ET later today!
The next bigger focus was the 40th anniversary Return of the Jedi line:
- Scout Trooper
- Lando in Skiff Guard disguise
- Han Solo with trench coat
- Princess Leia (Endor)
- Wicket – he is the only new figure here, but he was a pipeline reveal as well, so his inclusion here is not a complete surprise. Wicket will be rather small, but he will come with more accessories than most other figures

Wicket with cardback and accessories
And finally here are the Black Series pipeline reveals!
For the 40th anniversary Return of the Jedi line:
- Luke Skywalker (based on the all new Luke Skywalker figure, NOT a rerelease of the first version)
- Darth Vader (newly improved version – and yes, there are quite a few things to improve here, let’s hope Hasbro gets the figure right this time)
- R2-D2 (the biggest surprise maybe, R2 will be a brand new sculpt, from the ground up. Will Hasbro finally get the scale of astromechs right? Or will they keep the height the same as before for consistency reasons and merely improve on the details?)
- Imperial Guard
And for Book of Boba Fett the following figures are in the pipeline:
- Pyke Trooper
- Cad Bane
- Tusken Chieftain
There is also Luke’s green lightsaber in the pipeline, as well as a Clone Trooper helmet, for the roleplay fans.
Overall I think this was a pretty great panel for the Black Series with quite a few all new figures and some interesting pipeline reveals. The biggest question maybe is how that all new R2-D2 will turn out. Will Hasbro scale him correctly this time?
What are your thoughts? Will you get all the figures? Some of them? Or are you disappointed?