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Obi-Wan Kenobi Ratings On Disney+ Recover With Part V

It’s time for our weekly look at the Nielsen Streaming Charts! As explained before the charts are not up to date, there is always a month long delay or so. So we get numbers for part V of Obi-Wan Kenobi only now! Kenobi started out really strong with its first three episodes on Disney+, then it lost viewers with episode 4, but with episode 5 it recovers some of the lost ground. Click through for more!

Nostalgia always works

Part V of Kenobi saw the first proper scenes with Hayden Christensen in a somewhat longer flashback. We had only seen Anakin in a very short cameo before that. The episode also marked the return of Darth Vader in one of the better action scenes. That apparently convinced people to tune back in.

Kenobi – after five episodes – accumulated 733 million minutes. It’s still lower than the numbers for the early episodes, but an improvement over last week’s charts.

Here are the Nielsen numbers for Kenobi thus far:

Parts I-III: 958 million minutes
Parts I-IV: 682 million minutes
Parts I-V: 733 million minutes

It will be interesting to see if Kenobi can reach the early numbers with the season finale! It should get more viewers than The Book of Boba Fett finale. With that Obi-Wan Kenobi is by far the most popular original series on Disney+ and it also outperforms The Book of Boba Fett!

Obi-Wan Kenobi is also the only Disney+ series in the Nielsen Streaming Charts. Which is something Disney may not be too happy about. If you remember last week’s article I also talked about the Ms. Marvel series debut on Disney+. While we don’t know what Disney’s and Marvel’s expectations for the series are they may still be less than pleased about the fact that Ms. Marvel is the first Marvel live action series ever to drop out of the top 10 Nielsen Streaming Charts. It was off to the weakest start of all the Marvel live action series thus far, and with episode 2 added it no longer even makes it into the top 10. Apparently audiences are not really liking the character and/or the series.

Ms. Marvel will get her movie debut in “The Marvels” next year, which features Captain Marvel as the main character. It’s one of three Marvel movies scheduled for 2023, alongside Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and the next Ant-Man movie. It will be interesting to see how the Marvels movie will fare without the Avengers boost and standing mostly on its own legs, only coming off a not so successful Ms. Marvel series on Disney+.

But Marvel at least has upcoming movies. It’s still unknown when exactly Taika Waititi’s Star Wars movie will be released (he is supposed to start filming in early 2023 according to latest reports) or when or if Rogue Squadron will see the light of day. A new Star Wars movie may not come out before 2025. But of course we will get plenty of series on Disney+ before that. So there will not be a lack of Star Wars, just no movies.

And finally… Stranger Things is still the most popular streaming series in the US. Which will surprise no one. The show is a pop culture phenomenon that also put an old Kate Bush single from 1985 on the top of the Billboard charts. Amazon’s The Boys season 3 is also doing well. And as usual 8 out of the top 10 streaming shows are on Netflix.

You can find the Nielsen Streaming Charts here!

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