Hello once again, Toy Runners! Lots going on in the world today. Hopefully you have still been able to find the time to enjoy your action figures and escape a little from “real” life! Click here to read more.
I got some of the new Clone Wars figures in the mail this week. They are fine figures, but I’m not sure where to put them yet. I need to put up some more shelves.
Speaking of not knowing where to put things, it’s become apparent to me that of necessity, I need to do some downsizing. This week has had me looking through my collection to see what I am comfortable getting rid of. Mostly it’s things that have been boxed up for a long time. When I was younger I didn’t collect as many figures, but I did collect Titanium Series die cast ships. I still would occasionally buy a new Hot Wheels starships, but both lines are all but dead. I’ll be keeping on a couple of my favorite ships. it was fun to see these again, but since they have been boxed up for so long they are getting sold to make room for new items.
How do you deal with space issues? Purge? Storage facilities? Buy a bigger house? Please share your space saving tips and your new collectibles in the comments below!
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