It should be common knowledge by now that Hayden Christensen will reprise his role as Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker in the upcoming Kenobi series. However, this is not where things will end. The Hollywood Reporter has learned that Hayden Christensen will also appear as Anakin Skywalker in the Ahsoka series, which is set 5 years after the events of Return of the Jedi. So of course Anakin has been dead for five years. But since death is not even an inconvenience in the Star Wars galaxy chances are Anakin will appear as a Force ghost. Or maybe we will be see Ahsoka clone wars flashbacks and/or visions. Details are not known at this point. The sequels had a disturbing lack of Anakin Skywalker Force ghost scenes, even more puzzling when you consider the fact Kylo Ren was Darth Vader’s biggest fanboy and also his grandson. One of the many oversights of the sequels. But it seems Lucasfilm is willing to rectify that mistake by offering Hayden Christensen various roles in their Disney+ series. Will you be happy to see much more of Hayden as Anakin (or Darth Vader) in the next few years? And who knows, maybe Lucasfilm is gearing up for a proper Darth Vader series that focuses more on the man behind the mask. Hayden is still quite young, only 40 (he was really young in Attack of the Clones), so he’s about the right age to play a late Empire era Vader or post ROTJ Force ghost, he could probably also still play his younger clone wars self with some make-up wizardry. Would you be up for that?

When death is barely an inconvenience