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12 Unacceptable Omissions From George Lucas' Star Wars For Hasbro's The Vintage Collection

There are some fantastic action figures released or forthcoming in The Vintage Collection. Hasbro does surprise periodically. But there are many others that they haven’t updated yet for the line, which I am finding to be very problematic. I decided to look at each George Lucas-era Star Wars film, one by one, and pick the most obvious omission of a character from the film and not yet represented in The Vintage Collection. Because choosing one character proved almost impossible, I also chose a runner-up, thereby giving two options that are almost equally important for The Vintage Collection’s inclusion. As I tallied everything up, I discovered that Hasbro has a LOT of work to do, unfortunately. And they need to start banging these out right away. (more….)




Episode I: C-3PO
Runner-Up: Queen Amidala (main outfit)

Years ago, Hasbro claimed that the 1999 Episode I C-3PO figure was the most expensive figure ever produced, solely for the complicated paint operations it has. This explanation might shed light on why the character hasn’t been touched with a ten-foot pole since. But C-3PO without the plating is a critical take on the character in The Phantom Menace, and deserving of super-articulated inclusion in The Vintage Collection.

Hasbro updated the main “action/adventure” outfit of Queen Amidala in the 2012 Star Wars [The Phantom Menace 3D] Movie Heroes line, but it still falls short of what collectors considered definitive. This version of the queen is a must-have for The Vintage Collection.



Episode II: Count Dooku
Runner-Up: C-3PO

How in the heck is Count Dooku not already part of The Vintage Collection? At the end of The Vintage Collection’s first run, Hasbro was shocked to realize they forgot that both Count Dooku and Chewbacca got neglected. They fixed the Chewbacca oversight with 2018’s TVC Chewbacca (VC141) figure. But Count Dooku still hasn’t been made part of the lineup. You have to wonder how this slip is possible.

C-3PO from EVERY Star Wars film should be added to The Vintage Collection. The character’s appearance in Attack Of The Clones was unique and is deserving of inclusion. I’d recommend that Hasbro use a Build A Droid sculpt to recreate this version of the character since the VC06 figure is too short.



Episode III: Anakin Skywalker
Runner-Up: Clone Commander Bly

Although first called “Anakin Skywalker” when initially released, Darth Vader (VC13) is technically Anakin after he turned to the dark side. Hasbro never gave us the blue-eyed version of this character, while still good. Say it out loud. There is no Episode III Anakin Skywalker in The Vintage Collection. How is that physically possible?

Hasbro added many clone commanders into The Vintage Collection. But one major oversight is Clone Commander Bly. If they match the paint operations to the RARE running change Revenge Of The Sith Commander Bly (III 57) figure, I believe that version will suffice.



Episode IV: Momaw Nadon
Runner-Up: RA-7 Droid (Death Star Droid)

The Saga Collection Momaw Nadon (SAGA 031) figure is beautiful. But it sorely lacks articulation. Hasbro can take the original tooling of this figure and add a plethora of joints and we’ll have the best version of this Hammerhead of all time. But at this point in the game, a completely new figure from the ground up makes the most sense with today’s standards. A modern update to this beloved Ithorian is terribly overdue.

I’d love to see MULTIPLE RA-7 droids added to The Vintage Collection. I’d like to see both the one on the physical Death Star, as the one from the Jawa Sandcrawler. There are excellent Build A Droid sculpts that exist and Hasbro should use them, but a silver vacuum-metalized version with heavy wear and tear would make me the happiest.



Episode V: Lobot
Runner-Up: Ugnaught

Just for your information, Lando Calrissian would have made the cut here, were it not for Hasbro officially announcing the figure’s inclusion in The Vintage Collection. So what is the most logical character after Lando Calrissian? Lobot, of course. When Hasbro does decide to redo this character, I hope they include all of the accessories that came with 2004’s OTC Lobot (OTC #20) figure.

The Ugnuaghts are no-brainers to release in The Vintage Collection. What’s extra painful is that Hasbro has parts to recreate an exact replica of a modern update to the vintage Kenner 1981 ESB Ugnaught figure by kit-bashing existing parts (from The Legacy Collection and Legacy Collection lines). What is the delay? It’s insanity.



Episode VI: Emperor Palpatine
Runner-Up: Bib Fortuna

What is Hasbro waiting for here? Seriously. With the character’s return in The Rise Of Skywalker, you have to wonder why Hasbro isn’t capitalizing on the character’s notoriety and popularity across the Star Wars saga. The fantastic 2018 Star Wars [The Last Jedi] Emperor Palpatine figure is beautiful, but it has no meaningful articulation. Hasbro needs to give us a sculpt with this great of a likeness but with lots of articulation, and perhaps a soft-goods robe. It’s completely unacceptable that Emperor Palpatine is NOT part of The Vintage Collection yet. Shame, Hasbro!

Despite the proof of our cash receipts, all collectors of The Vintage Collection have done their part to express to Hasbro the need for more aliens (both Jabba’s Palace and Chalmun’s Cantina) in the 3.75-inch scale. However, they remain hesitant to focus on them in the line. Bib Fortuna is a major player in Episode VI, and we need a super-articulated version for The Vintage Collection. Get it done, Hasbro!


Don’t agree with my list?

Then be sure to list your must-haves in the comments!

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