Order 66 (Series 2) (4 of 6) - Emperor Palpatine & Commander Vill - Hasbro - 30th Anniversary Collection (2008)
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NZ Mint: Star Wars Helmets Coin Collection Includes Boba Fett

The Star Wars Helmets Silver Coin Collection continues with the iconic helmet of the feared bounty hunter Boba Fett – including the infamous dent!

Boba Fett was a genetic clone of his “father”, bounty hunter Jango Fett. Boba learned combat and martial skills from a young age. Over the course of his career, which included contracts for the Empire and the criminal underworld, he became a legend.

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Ultra-high relief minting has been used to create the striking detail on this 2oz pure silver coin. The obverse bears the Ian Rank-Broadley effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, to confirm it as legal tender and a limited-edition collectible.

The coin is kept secure in a coin capsule inside an impressive Star Wars themed coin case, designed specifically to showcase the 3D nature of the coin. The Certificate of Authenticity is placed inside this case which sits inside a Star Wars themed box. It is a truly unique collectible!

With only 5,000 of these coins available worldwide, be ruthless and order yours now!

If you are keen to be one of the first to hear about Star Wars gold and silver collectibles from New Zealand Mint, you can find them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or sign up to their newsletter to get Star Wars new releases emailed directly to your inbox!

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