Shaak Ti (Jedi Master) - Hasbro - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
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Toy Run Tuesday #72 - New Shelf Dioramas

Good morning, Toy Runners! I hope you have had a good week in Star Wars, and I look forward to seeing your finds! This week we have been shuffling furniture around and I have a new shelf for my dioramas. They are always a work in progress, but I have a good start on my Endor and Desert planet set-ups, so I wanted to share those with you today! Click here to take a look and please share your finds in the comments below!


To start off, here are a couple photos of my current desert planet diorama. It’s not really Tatooine, and not necessarily Nevarro either. Definitely not Jakku, so for now, it’s just a generic desert planet in the outer rim. I went with a post-ROTJ era (except for Chirrut). Luke is around the corner with his lightsaber extended to attack some Stormtroopers pestering patrons of the local cantina. Hondo is attempting to swindle a “friend” of his to buy a droid from the Jawa droid shop. There are plenty of different aliens and droids wandering the streets. I’ll keep these figures there for a while, but continue to play with it and swap figures until I am satisfied.

Below this diorama I set up an Endor diorama. It’s come a very long way since the first time I set up an Endor diorama around 6 years ago. I also picked up a new ROTJ Luke from a local collector (who also backed the Razorcrest, I found out, so that was fun), and I did a quick accessory swap to make a definitive Endor Luke.

There is still a lot of work to be done on these. I want to add lighting, backdrops, more greeblies, and trees, but those will come in time. I’m glad I have a place to share this kind of thing with my fellow collectors, and I love seeing your comments each week, so please let us know how your week in Star Wars went below!

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