After we all saw the dreadful The Vintage Collection reveals only to discover they’re all repacks, I took a few minutes to distill what we all just experienced. When the items went up for pre-order today, I couldn’t help but notice that these new figures are coming in waves releasing in June 2020 and September 2020 (at least that’s what the availability dates showed). SEPTEMBER 2020! This leads me to believe that Hasbro will reveal new figure announcements after The Rise Of Skywalker hits theaters and sandwich them in between the repacks. They have to do this. The line will suffer if they don’t. There are likely quite a few figures of characters that they cannot reveal yet due to the Disney embargo, and I imagine that Hasbro’s desperation to reveal something exclusively to our collector friends in Europe and the like too precedence. If there ARE NOT any new figures other than what was revealed over the weekend through September 2020, you’d have to wonder if the license situation is not in a good state. But, it’s too soon to panic about that. Are you happy with any of the TVC repacks? Do you think it is going to help or hurt the line? Do you think more figures are going to be released in between these?