MTV News interviewed Kathleen Kennedy and she briefly talks about the things they are looking at, now that the Skywalker saga is coming to an end with Episode IX. Kathleen Kennedy mentions in the interview that some of the new characters from the last three movies (it’s not clear if she merely refers to the sequel trilogy here or the actual last three movies which include Solo and Rogue One) may return in future projects.
She also talks about a 10-year plan for Star Wars which she is discussing with Benioff & Weiss and Rian Johnson.
Knights of the Old Republic is also touched upon briefly and Kathleen Kennedy confirms that they are talking about that all the time and that they are “developing something to look at”, without going into specifics. And lastly, Kathleen Kennedy also says that they have to be careful, that there needs to be a cadence with Star Wars, that it must not start to feel like too much. Kennedy then admits that they tried with Solo, to see if two movies a year might work, and she admits that it didn’t. But check out the full interview for yourself, you can see the clip on the MTV News Twitter feed (or click the image to go there directly). So, what do you think? Do you like the prospect of a KOTOR project and the idea of seeing some Disney era characters return in future movies (or series)? And of course there’s the prospect of a Rian Johnson trilogy. Latest news here is that whatever Johnson and Benioff & Weiss are doing will be closely coordinated.

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