Thanks to an anonymous source, we’ve discovered evidence which suggests that new The Vintage Collection figures are confirmed coming to the mainline. There are also some 6″ figures listed as well. Click through for more!
Site has some pretty fantastic new The Vintage Collection figures listed. In addition to the Episode 9 Cairo Axer and Episode 9 London, there is also a lot of Original Trilogy figures listed too.
Wave 3
Imperial Stormtrooper (RO)
Captain Phasma (E7)
Lando Calrissian (Solo)
Wave 4
Luke Skywalker (E8)
Death Star Gunner (E4)
Wave 5
London (Episode 9)
Cairo Axer (Episode 9)
Wave 6
Poe Dameron (E7)
Not parts of a wave yet:
Han Solo (E4)
Chewbacca (E4)
Jawa (E4)
R2-D2 (E4)
Luke Skywalker (E4)
Berlin Leader (E9)
Imperial Hovertank Commander (RO)
Bruges Red (E9)
Shadow Trooper (EU)
Darth Revan (EU)
Bruges Rocket Red (E9)
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