It’s only been a couple of months since Toys R Us bit the dust. But the ripples of it are still painful. Yes, the retail apocalypse is happening in real-time, but it doesn’t take away any of the sadness that losing our last toy store brings. I have been reading many opinions on Toys R Us’ collapse. And while many factors worked against them succeeding, a financial expert by the name of Dave Ramsey (whom I respect greatly) has a slightly different take on what happened and how, perhaps, it might have been prevented. He believes that a possible scenario existed that was overlooked during their (what he calls) “disruption” in the marketplace. He goes on to say that the “disruption” can be the biggest blessing to your business, but if you’re not prepared for the “disruption,” it can be the biggest threat to your business. He claims this is where Toys R Us failed. Be sure to listen to his final example of how being prepared for “disruption” helped another major chain immensely. After you watch and listen, let us know if you think his logic and example are relevant to Toys R Us.