Jedi Master and Jedi trainee on a far-off distant location interacting with one another. Check. Interwoven story lines of the struggles of the freedom fighters against an evil empire as they continue to battle for freedom. Check. A squad of heroes escape madness for a while as they head to a different glamorous planet. Check. No, we’re not talking about Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back despite sounding just like it. These are actual plot points for Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Rian Johnson said Episode VIII isn’t a reboot of Episode V, but the latest article at seems to contradict this quite a bit. Click through for more.
Just as The Force Awakens seemed to reflect plot points from the original Star Wars, this film follows a few patterns from The Empire Strikes Back, although writer-director Rian Johnson says that was unintentional.
“I just tried to kind of ignore that aspect of it and have the story take the shape that it needed to,” the filmmaker says. “But look, Rey is off in a remote location with a Jedi master, and the Resistance is in a tough spot, and we’re intercutting those stories. By its very nature, there are some structural parallels. But these are new characters, they’re dealing with new things, and that ultimately is what defines the movie. So I think that’s going to be unique.”
Another parallel with that earlier film: Finn and Rose are part of a squad of good guys who head off on a mission to a glamorous location — not Cloud City on the gas giant planet of Bespin this time, but the casino metropolis of Canto Bight on the world of Cantonica.
“The whole city is kind of one sort of luxury resort that’s been built on this very otherwise abandoned, arid planet,” Johnson says. “It’s like Vegas with aliens. So maybe it is just like Vegas.”
Read the full article HERE.
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