Goss Toowers - Hasbro - The Force Awakens (2015)
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What's The Deal With All Of The Vintage Collection Repacks?

There are a lot of mixed emotions when it comes to The Vintage Collection’s return. It’s been five years of H-E-double hockey sticks for longtime and hardcore 3.75” super-articulated collectors. Hasbro has listened to feedback from whiners like me and it is paying off hugely. The paradigm has shifted and we will once again see super-articulated action figures in glorious vintage Kenner inspired packaging. It feels like a dream, doesn’t it? Between being bombarded with adult collector complaints about TVC’s absence and Hasbro’s good stock market performance, the “stars have aligned” to make this all happen once again for us. If we’re patient, 2018 can be the greatest year since The Vintage Collection’s original run. However, many collectors are distressed by what was revealed thus far. Many are questioning why the line is beginning so many repacks. Believe it or not, it’s all for our benefit (my interpretation but I will explain). (more….)

Hasbro has been remarkably upfront about the line’s MSRP. They’ve already given a range of $10-$15 (just forget about the $10 margin altogether, save for some promotion and sales). But in order to avoid the $14.99 max of that range, Hasbro MUST include “already existing” sculpts in order to cost everything appropriately to keep things like MSRP. As you’ve seen by The Black Series [Phase III] 3.75” rumor report confirmation, the mainstream versions of these figures will cost $13.99. Well, you should probably keep that price in the back of your head as we believe you will likely see The Vintage Collection in this range. Hopefully Hasbro can cost it out so that the MSRP is closer to $12.99 (some retailers may price them this way anyhow).

Let’s also not forget that The Force Awakens still falls under “new Star Wars Entertainment” and because of Walmart’s egregious handling of the SA 3.75″ line when they had it, many collectors and other potential buyers never saw these figures in stores. I have been to a dozen Walmart stores between PA and NY and NJ that never had a single figure. Out West I heard it is worse. Now everyone will have an equal opportunity to grab these characters, whether some/many of us have them or not. Repacks sold well in The Vintage Collection whether you want to admit that or not. For the most part, so will these. People will claim they won’t buy them, but they will. Hasbro can certainly make better repack choices, and we will counsel them on those ideas. Don’t worry. Also, I am learning more and more about the plans. 15 represents only the all-new sculpts coming. The repacks alone exceed this number greatly. If you recall, I had always explained that there will be 30-40 figures a year. With the repacks, this confirms this.

I agree that starting off the line with a couple waves of repacks is risky from any standpoint. You’d think their risk management people would step in to offer a better range of products in each case assortment, but if we get through this, there are some great things planned. The reveals at SDCC this year are just the tip of the iceberg. So, think as positively as you can about this line. Let’s get through the wrinkles and roadblocks with as much aplomb as possible. Were it not for these repack waves, TVC would easily be $15 a pop. (Let’s hope they never reach that point.) Things will begin to look better soon. But for now, we have to get through the infancy period. Also, please rest assured we will be in constant communication with Hasbro on how to make this new experience with The Vintage Collection even better than before.

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