Four years ago today, Jedi Temple Archives organized and coordinated an unprecedented event within the Star Wars collecting community: a celebration of the magnificent The Vintage Collection basic figure line (which originally ran from the middle of 2010 through sporadic parts of 2013) and entitled it A Digested Look At The Vintage Collection. We rounded up the best Star Wars fan sites on the web together to rank the Top 25 greatest figures in The Vintage Collection basic figure line. But most importantly, we even got Hasbro on board where three of their finest, including Dave Vennemeyer (who has been with the Star Wars brand since the start), chose their own top picks as well.
Because The Vintage Collection is returning in Spring 2018, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to re-share this amazing JTA Special Report with the collecting community. Many have left the hobby, but many have joined in and those that have remained are in for a treat next year. Besides, they get to see this report again. Our hope is that the new Hasbro brand team takes notes about what made the original The Vintage Collection so powerful and that they will ensure they focus on characters like those who made the Top 25 ranking (and even those listed in the honorable mentions). This is all necessary for the line to be successful. Know your audience, Hasbro. That is ALL we ask. Anyway, please enjoy this report for the first time or once again. Enjoy!