More Prototype Boba Fett Figures Found In Spain! Spanish Store Report!
Date: October 20, 2014 at 06:06 PM ET
Topic: Store Reports

We have another Spanish store report for you, and if you can read or speak Spanish, please translate this for us! Click through for more!

Hola, soy kloono de España.

Acabo de descubrir en el centro comercial EL CORTE INGLÉS de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) que están empezando a traer las figuras de acción de 6 pulgadas Black Series.

La primera que ha llegado es la de Boba Fett Prototype Armour y a un precio increiblemente bueno 24.95 € (por lo menos a este lado del atlántico)

Perdonad por el efecto "niebla" de la foto pero tengo rota la cámara del móvil.

Un saludo

A big thanks to JTA alum Pete Hauerstein for translating this, and for those in the comments that also provided some translation.

Hi, My name is Kloono from Spain,

I just discovered that the Corte Ingles (it’s a store) at Alcala de Henares in Madrid is starting to carry the 6” Black Series figires.

The first to arrive was the Boba Fett Prototype Armor with an incredibly good price of 24.95 Euros (at least for this side of the Atlantic)

Please excuse the cloudy photo but my mobile phone camera is broken.


This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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