30 (77-07) Redux - Wave 10 (2008 Wave 1)
Date: February 06, 2013 at 03:31 PM ET
Topic: Visual Guide News

We have always felt that the 30 (77-07) is one of the greatest collections of figures Hasbro has done to date. While not all of them were made in the expected super-articulated fashion that’s become standard today, many of the figures brought into the line are nonetheless done so well from the start that they will likely never see an update again. We will be releasing updates to this very cherished line wave by wave. We have updated our Visual Guides and we’ve processed all-new expanded galleries and a new “stats box” that mimics the card backs of the figures in the line in our Research Droids Reviews. Click through as we spotlight Wave 10 - an excellent wave with some cool surprises, including the stupendous Commander Gree, the all-new Kashyyyk Trooper and the amazing Tri-Droid, just to name a few. Oh, and let's not forget about the tremendous upgrade to Obi-Wan Kenobi which in our opinion is the best Episode III likeness of the character to date. See these and more with all-new RDR photo galleries and updated VGs!

30 (77-07)

30 (77-07) Wave 10 (2008 Wave 1)

Be sure to check out both highly detailed resources (you can click either banner below to be taken to that respective source). Both RDR and VG links have corresponding link-backs to each other. Between our Visual Guides and our Research Droids Reviews, you won't find a more comprehensive look at each figure anywhere else!

Research Droids Review - Obi-Wan Kenobi Visual Guide - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Research Droids Review - Darth Vader Visual Guide - Darth Vader
Research Droids Review - Commander Gree Visual Guide - Commander Gree
Research Droids Review - Kashyyyk Trooper Visual Guide - Kashyyyk Trooper
Research Droids Review - Tri-Droid Visual Guide - Tri-Droid
Research Droids Review - 2-1B (Surgical Droid) Visual Guide - 2-1B (Surgical Droid)
Research Droids Review - Po Nudo Visual Guide - Po Nudo
Research Droids Review - Mustafar Panning Droid Visual Guide - Mustafar Panning Droid

This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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