While Out Looking For The Scout Walker, Look For This Too!
Date: August 12, 2012 at 12:52 PM ET
Topic: Hasbro

Collectors, we need your attention! Kmart is getting The Vintage Collection wave 14. We found this wave at 4 of our local 6 Kmart stores, so it seems that it's safe to believe that more are getting them than not. On the pegs were hanging Starkiller, Darth Vader, Nikto Guard, Tarkin, Shae Vizla and Odd Ball (Clone Pilot). While out looking for the Scout Walker (AT-ST), you might want to look a bit higher at the pegs to see if your local store also stocked these TVC figures.

The store reports are inconsistent and crazy and the cart is coming before the horse in many, many instances, but it's time to start hunting for the stuff that should have been out months ago folks!

This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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